Being an Uplifter — Ursula The Faerie
Nora Herold, Ursula, and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the Summer Solstice Transmission
June 21, 2023
Let yourself breathe and feel, and feel into the celebratory aspect of this energy because this is really what we want to do with you today. We want to help to take you to a place where you really connect with joy, celebration, play, and fun in your bodies. Frankly, it’s been really rough on your world for the last few years, kind of a downer for you all, and this Solstice, this particular Solstice is bringing with it, along with all of the things the Pleiadians shared earlier, this Solstice energy is bringing with it the opportunity for you all to lighten up a bit from within.
This doesn’t mean you’re not still moving through a period of accelerated change. You are. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t still things to combat on your world. There are. This is all still happening, but you are all getting to a place now where you can more easily interact with all of these things, all of this data, the reality as it is, while at the same time keeping yourself a bit lighter. That doesn’t mean you don’t care. That doesn’t mean these things are not important to you. It means that you’re in a place where you can be a bit less affected by it all so you then individually can have a greater effect on the external reality, so you individually can pour more light, more love, more of your voice, more of your positive energy, more of your… even your calling out of those distortions of fear manifesting as hate in ways that are more effective and that won’t wear you down.
Trying to be an uplifter, and many of you who are drawn to listening to us through Nora and other places, many of you do this because you are uplifters. You identify in part as an uplifter, meaning, it brings you joy to bring joy to others. This is the role of an uplifter, and it’s been damn hard to be an uplifter over the last few years, you all have really shown yourselves. This doesn’t mean you haven’t done it. Y’all still have. From our perspective, you have done an extraordinary job in bringing through that uplifting energy into the reality which has been so dense at times, for very real reasons, but it was exhausting, it was exhausting to do it.
What this Solstice download is giving you with the deactivation of some of those outdated programs and just the energetic support, it’s giving you the opportunity to be this uplifter, no matter how shitty things look or get, and they are, this is the cycle. They get shitty. Things lightened up. They get shitty again, but the shitty periods of time tend to be shorter and shorter, that’s how you notice evolution. So, when things start to feel dark or shitty again, you can still operate as an uplifter without feeling like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill as it continues to roll back on you, which was a lot of your experience during the pandemic.
So this is what’s changing, you can more easily put the energy of love, joy, celebration, kindness, generosity into the collective field without feeling like you’re having to hack away at all of the energy around you.
So let’s take a moment here in our magic with you right now. First, we want to recognize and celebrate every single one of you. So, as you’re breathing right now, receive it. Receive our love. Receive our acknowledgment. Receive the energy of celebration as you celebrate yourself, right now, exactly, as you are, the fantastic being of Love that you are.
As you’re breathing and throwing this party for yourself in your own body, and let it be a party for yourself, let yourself have a little dance. Come on, let yourself have a little chair dance. Dance along to the music within as you celebrate yourself and remember that putting into physical energy, physical expression, any emotion or vibration adds it into your physical environment in more powerful ways. So, let yourselves boogie in your chair. Let yourself do it.
As you are having this party for yourself, as you celebrate the fact that you’re here, you’re still here with this body operating as the uplifter that you are, take a breath and feel our love. Go back to this whenever you need it. This is a way to recharge yourself If you find that while out in the world, you have gotten depleted or you have encountered the density of energy that has just felt too big to combat and that has forced you to go home and withdraw and cocoon, and once you’re ready to come out of the withdrawal and the cocoon, go into the celebratory party happening at all times for you because we are always having a party for you, always. We are never going to stop partying for you, throwing a party in your honor. It is ongoing and something you can tap into whenever and wherever you need it. You don’t have to go home to do it. You could be out in the busiest moment of your world and tap into the party in your honor, bring that into your body, allow it to lighten you up from within, which then enables you to affect the container at large, the greater container. This is you as a creator being. This is you saying as a creator being, “Am I going to be taken down by the energy around me, or am I going to give myself the love and support I need in the moment so I can offer more light into the field?” more love.
This is big magic, this piece. It is magic for you individually, personally. It is a healing. It is also magic you then put out into the world around you, and then it is magic that will return to you in many different forms. You will find it coming back in the kindness of others. You will find yourself suddenly uplifted by someone around you when you are in need. You will find yourself finding the collaborators, the partners, the environments, and the experiences that truly support you and your desires. This magic, this simple magic of tuning in to the ongoing celebration of you in the realm of Faerie that sits above and then sits here in your bodies.