Chiron, You, and Your Manifestation Process — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
11 min readMar 4, 2019


Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the Manifestation in the Age of Ascension Transmission — February 21, 2019

Part 1 — On Chiron’s Transition into Aries

Chiron and its effect on you all is so important and is often so misunderstood on your world. Chiron is the spark that ignites the healing fire from within that allows you to be the brightest YOU that you possibly can be.

Over the last decade or so you all have walked through this incredibly watery and at times also shadowy dark and mysterious period (as Chiron was stationed in Pisces) where you really dug in and looked at your hearts, your wounds, and your traumas, both individually and collectively. If you look at what you have shone a light on collectively in your reality now, what you’ve brought to the surface, it’s incredible from our perspective. And none of that’s going to leave or go away. All of that incredible shadow work and transmutation of trauma work that you have been so focused on for the last decade is still going to be ongoing within but in a gentler way, and you’re really going to start to feel progress made within yourselves now.

And it’s going to be interesting for a lot of you because what’s going to happen is you’re going to step into a situation that’s going to feel familiar in a triggering way for you. Some of you may have already had this experience happen just over the last few weeks where you’ve reengaged with people or circumstances that would have radically triggered you in the past and thrown you into rejection, abandonment, grief, rage, despair — and what you may have noticed is, sure you had a smattering of that, but really you just didn’t go there. You were able to say to yourself, “Oh, I know what to do with this,” and you could run F.O.A.L., or any other process that works for you that helps you very quickly adjust your frequency and your vibration, and then you moved along and found: “Oh, look at that! I’ve created something completely different,” very rapidly. And that’s what’s going to be happening for you all right now, as long as you continue to operate this way. Now yes, there are going to be times still where you’ll go down, certainly, and you’ll go down hard, and that’s because a massive piece of un-transmuted trauma that you didn’t know you were carrying will get activated, so you’ll give yourself the time and space to work through it, but even when we say you’ll go down hard, it’s not going to be like it was over the last few years or a decade ago, or 20 years ago. You’ll be there for a much shorter amount of time and then again you’ll do your work, you’ll shift your frequency and your vibration, and you’ll just get on with being a creator. And it will no longer seem to you like you are swimming through this swamp of stuff just trying to find the light. Instead, it’s going to feel to you, pretty much most of the time, like you’re walking in the light and every once in awhile you’ll dive back into the swamp, but you’ll still be able to access the light, you’ll still see it.

So just take a breath all of you and let yourselves notice the reactions you’re having to our information right now. How do you feel, and where are your thoughts? You’re just kind of paying attention right now to the residuals and rumblings that are left over in your 3-D operating system as we shine a tremendous amount of light upon you right now. So take a breath… (A clearing and balancing process followed next.)

So, where you are sitting right now (after the clearing and balancing process that was given), we would say this is kind of ‘zero point’ or ‘neutral’ for you as creator beings. So if you’re going to do some kind of conscious creating practice for yourself we’d recommend that you take yourself to this space first. You can do it really rapidly, we just slowed it down for you here so you could get a sense of it. But bookmark how it is you are feeling right now and know that you can just go here without having to go through the process, you can just get yourself to this zero point and feel how good you feel at zero point. This is neutral. This is neutral for your higher self.

We haven’t yet activated any frequencies or vibrations that take you into a higher space within yourself that allows you to begin to operate as an active creator being. Right now if you were to walk around your world in this state, this kind of zero-point, neutral, 5-D space, this very kind of ‘peaceful from within’ vibration, what you would manifest on a continual basis in your world is a reality that allowed you to feel this at all times, this very kind of gentle, peaceful, loving space without a lot of variety — and this (variety) is one of the reasons why you come in to 3-D reality. This (zero point state) is lovely. It’s such a lovely sensation and a lovely feeling state but if you were to be on planet Earth and existing in this space at all times, experiencing a reality at all times in 3-D that only reflected this back to you, you would get bored. Yes, you would get bored. You would want a little more excitement at times because you’re not really feeling that excitement, that heightened frequency and vibration of excitement that puts you into physical motion and gets you physically moving a bit more in a more energized state. What you’re feeling here is very peaceful and neutral, almost like a nap. It’s not exactly a nap, but you don’t want to live in 3-D reality and nap, you want to be more active, you want to be more involved. And you came here, in part, along with your desire to integrate and reascend, you also came here to create.

So from this (neutral) space there are so many things you could do. We’ve given you so many tools and techniques over the years, as have so many others on your world — so many voices, so many ideas, so many ways — so many pathways to operate as a creator being. You can pull from that tool box right in this moment and use what feels most effective for you.

So, we are going to work with you individually as we take your questions and engage with you. We’re going to ask you as we are working with you today, “What is it you would like in your life?” So we can really dial it in and help you all better understand some of these technologies.

Part 2

Your 5-D self, that ‘golden you’ from within, is a hundred percent on board with this. Your 5-D self has no issues or blocks that will get in the way of creating the experiences. That’s your 3-D self, your ego that does this, and we’re going to work with your ego a lot today and that’s also what Chiron is going to facilitate for you all over the next decade or so, is the ego work — your ego is really the aspect of you that either completely supports you in having this experience or completely derails you from having this experience.

The ego is not good or bad here. We want you to get away from any idea you have about the ego being negative or harmful or hurtful in your process. Your ego in many ways is you, it’s the physical embodiment of your light. It’s not your judgment of yourself or a compilation of your trauma, that’s a piece of it, yes, but your ego is much greater than that. It is the 3-D identity. And because you are integrating and reascending, your ego now also consists of any and all fifth dimensional energy and information that your third dimensional identity has access to. Take a breath all of you…. feel the expansion of your ego as your egos take on the identities of your higher selves as well, as you are not just the name you were given at birth. You are that AND your higher self, and that comprises your ego identity. And the more you integrate and reascend, the more your ego identity accommodates and shifts and expands to encompass all of that light and energy. And the more you use that then in your third dimensional experience as a creator being, as you engage with the matter and density around you that is comprised of light and love, and as you begin to manipulate that matter around you to serve your ego’s identity, your ego’s desires, wants and needs — those that you are conscious of and those that you are unconscious of. — Take a breath now all of you. Bookmark how you are feeling right now in your bodies as you sparkle with your creator energy.

Think about the experience now that you would like to create for yourself and ask yourself this question: “What are the feelings/emotions AND frequencies/vibrations that go along with that experience?” Because it’s going to be both right now for you all. You’re not just 5-D beings and you’re not just 3-D beings. There will be, and should be, emotional pieces to your experiences that will be tempered by your use and understanding of frequency and vibration. You’re not on the third dimensional roller coaster ride of the emotional body any longer. That was prior to your enslavement contracts ending at the end of 2012. That was your old operating system. That was law of attraction and laws of reflection. That was you, feeling your stuff; feeling your emotions and then creating experiences and realities and relationships from your emotions that allowed you to better explore your emotions, those that you were conscious of and those that you were not aware of. That was then and this is now.

This now moment is you, creating primarily from frequency and vibration, projecting that energy into the world around you, using some third eye technology — and we’re going to remind you about that today — while at the same time inviting an emotional experience in as a part of the whole package because you are running both 3-D and 5-D technology.

Part 3 — From the Q & A

Let’s talk about movement. Physical movement is even more essential right now in your manifestation process. Especially because of this shift from Chiron into Aries. Aries is a fire sign. Fire is all about movement and activity and a physical expression and manifestation of your energy in flux.

You are already energetically moving all the time. And what happens quite often for you all when you start to feel your fear, your anxiety, your trauma, or you start to procrastinate as a result of fear — and that’s the only reason you procrastinate — as we spoke of earlier, when it comes to something like doing your tax returns and the procrastination involved, you’re not just procrastinating because you don’t want to do your taxes (or whatever the activity is), you’re procrastinating because that activity is connected to and triggering within you real trauma that you have experienced either prior in this lifetime or other lifetimes, and it’s the trauma pieces that get activated that you don’t really want to go into or deal with, so then you procrastinate from the activity itself, of getting the thing done itself, as a way to try to avoid feeling those feelings and reengaging with those traumas.

Well, if you can have that perspective first, that really helps, right? Then it’s not that you’re avoiding doing your taxes, you are avoiding remembering the lifetime when you went to debtors prison or whatever it is, or you’re avoiding remembering the lifetime when you starved to death, or you’re avoiding remembering the lifetime when you cheated or lied or whatever it is. So you start to open up to that. “Oh! Right! That’s what’s going on here! Doing taxes for me is very triggering because of past life trauma!” So then you can run F.O.A.L. and do an exercise or do an activity that helps you clear that underlying trauma while at the same time doing the other things we talked about; activating the fun, the excitement, the enjoyment at the same time here, and recreating your world around you so it reflects that enjoyment, that fun, that excitement, that creative expression, and then — get your body moving!

So, as we said earlier, if you like to sing and dance and you’re avoiding doing your taxes, get up and dance, or do some yoga, or take a walk around the block. And don’t tell yourself you are doing this to avoid doing your taxes. Say to yourself what you really remember as a whole being: “Everything I am doing right now is supporting the totality of my reality as a creator being, whether I am contributing to that or taking away from it, so, I’m going to go take a walk as a part of finishing my taxes.” Then it’s not an aside, it’s not an avoidance, it’s embedded in. And the beauty and the connection with Nature and the energy of the healing you then bring back into the experience of doing your taxes is waiting there for you because you will have shifted and adjusted your energy, and suddenly the task in front of you no longer feels so heavy — and on and on.

Your operating systems shifted radically just a little over six years ago and you’re still catching up. It used to be (before 6 years ago) if you took a break you would put down (stop doing) what it was you were doing and that was it; you weren’t doing it anymore. And you would go over here and you would take a time out and you would leave that experience. And then when your break was over you would come back here to it and pick it up again, and, yes, maybe you would feel refreshed from your break but the task itself was pretty much the same.

Well, it’s not that way anymore. Now it’s, “I’m doing this, and this feeds into this, which feeds into this… So if I’m taking a walk, while I’m taking a walk and I’m altering my frequency and enjoying my experience, I’m suddenly creating more enjoyable experiences in every other aspect of my reality. So when I come back to that experience (activity) that I was engaged in before, I suddenly feel more enjoyment as I’m engaging with it.

Now part of this is you have to let your consciousness absorb this information, because it will be very easy for you all to continue to habitually run the old model. You’re still able to operate like you did prior to the end of 2012. So if you forget that this technology is available to you — that you’re integrated, reascending beings operating at the 3-D and 5-D versions of yourself at all times — you forget that and drop your vibration and head back into 3-D density — that solid, sluggish space — and it really feels that way to you, then you will rerun that old experience. But the great thing is you can remember within the midst of it that you don’t have to have a shitty time doing anything on this world anymore. Because it’s not like that anymore. “I’m a creator being and I get to design each and every moment the way I would like it to be based off of frequency/vibration and the emotions that I’m feeling at the same time.” And then you can do a quick reset of your energy and take yourself into that higher space.

Originally published at



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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