Collective Karma and the Evolution of Humanity — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold, the Pleiadian Collective, and Ursula The Faerie
Excerpt from the Day Out of Time Magic Workshop & Transmission
July 22, 2021
There is one more piece we want to talk about that you are going to find really coming online now especially with the assist here with this full moon in Aquarius. This is really going to start to come online in your individuated consciousnesses right now, and it is going to really help you better understand not just what is happening right now but what has always happened throughout your lifetime, what has happened throughout all of these other lifetimes, and the potential for what it is possible moving forward. So we want to talk about the idea of karma for a little bit here. Primarily your understanding of karma as individuals is that you have these individual experiences of karma, and that karma is about understanding. It is about totality. It is about experiencing all sides of the situation for an expansion of your individuated consciousness and an expansion of yourself. It is about generating more compassion, more unconditional love, more acceptance. This has been our take on it.
There are other beings on your world that might want to view it in a more limited way, as cause-and-effect, as punishment and reward. We don’t really align with that belief system. We have offered something beyond that for you all individually.
Now we want you to step back from the importance of your individual karma because truthfully you are not an individual. You will never be this individual again. So you can’t really have individual karma.
For those of you who are feeling challenged by this information, your mental bodies might struggle with this a bit because you all have this big connection to past lives and they very much feel like yours, you have claimed them as your lived experiences, so if you are struggling with this piece mentally just drop into your heart chakra and breathe, and just allow the information and the supporting energy to come through.
The truth is, we are all source energy in this universe. This is our origin. This is the truth of our identity, which means none of us truly exist as individuated beings. We are all source energy.
From source energy at some point from a linear perspective, big chunks broke off, gave the illusion of breaking off, which then created a reality. These big chunks of energy are the oversoul beings. Then the oversoul beings very quickly created the entirety of the dimensional structure of this universe, in a flash, because once it began, descension, it happened very, very quickly. From the oversoul beings there are the collective consciousnesses that broke off, and from the collective consciousnesses there are the individuated higher selves, or fifth dimensional identities, and then there are all of you in the third dimension on planet earth in the process of integrating your higher selves.
When you leave these bodies, when you ascend to, when you finish with this lifetime, (so when we say ascend we don’t mean take your body with you, we mean physical death, leave the body), you transit to the seventh dimension and still hold the individuated experience for a bit of time but then eventually you reintegrate with the oversoul being, and once reintegrated, take a breath here, you can’t really ever be this version of you again energetically, meaning the higher self cannot ever really be constructed in the way that it is right now.
So as you begin to embrace this more and more, “Ah, I am here as a piece of a larger collective, experiencing reality as a collective reality, a collective experience”, you are going to begin perceiving karma in the same way, meaning you are going to disconnect from exploring so deeply that which simply seems to be your story and you are going to begin to plug in more to what you might call generational karma, cyclical karma, collective consciousness karma. You will begin to perceive karma as a wave or a spiral
propelling evolution.
This is the purpose of karma. As expansion happens collectively there is evolution. As evolution occurs you become more connected individually. You begin to connect via physical density. This is why in part there are so many humans now having connection and contact with guides and other beings through the channeling process or having connection and contact with beings they describe as extraterrestrial, or as alien, or as the Zeta Reticulans, or the Greys, or whatever. This is part of this evolutionary experience of collective karma.
So as you begin to perceive karma in this way you will start to say, “Huh, okay, I am going to look at humanity, I am going to look at our experience on planet Earth. Ah, and I see the pieces that are widely held and shared via all beings present right now. Ah, I see this is my piece truly. This is what my path is about right now. This is my evolutionary journey at this time.”
This means language is going to change around some of these ideas as you begin to really embrace and integrate truths here. Some of it you will find facilitating a much more grounded way of having conversations and discussions around this, and some of the language, that you perhaps rejected once you’d “awakened”, you are going to find yourself coming home to again just with a slightly different perspective because the groundedness of the language you used prior to your “awakening” or expansion of your consciousness or whatever it is, the groundedness of that language with just a little bit different of a perspective on it now because you’re accessing your higher self from within. You are accessing your fifth dimensional consciousness now in your own body.
This grounded language and conversation and vocabulary is going to make it easier for you to connect with other humans. It is going to make it easier for you to understand them and their experience and feel more compassion and unconditional love. You will feel less the experience of being separate or different or “not of this world”, that so many of you have battled with. You have combated that experience of feeling really not of this earth, this is not really your home, rejection of the human experience, rejection of your own body. This will start to heal that in you. You will start to recognize, “Ah, not only am I home in my body, and on this earth, but this is currently the highest expression of my energy because this is all I am.”
This is it, YOU, as source energy. There is no higher YOU. There is no lower YOU. This is YOU. And beginning to operate around karma as this understanding of collective experiences is really going to facilitate you being the highest version of yourself that you possibly can be right now, highest meaning, most connected to your higher self from within, most loving, most generous, most grounded, most boundary setting, most truth telling, most willing to be accountable for every single action, thought, feeling, choice, energy you have or express. And it is in the accountability as a creator being who is a piece of a much larger experience, your personal accountability, that collective accountability will start to come online, and this will take you into a new karmic wave.
You’re going to see the beginnings of this, just the very, very beginnings of this right now.