Communion — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the Connect, Commune, and Collaborate Transmission - October 22, 2020
What does it mean to have communion with another? To commune with another? It is truly the experience of becoming one with another being via the experience of complete and total availability and vulnerability in your field. So to access another fully you must first be willing to access yourself.
Just take a breath here.
Keep working with the vibration of communion in your body. Starting in your heart and as you breathe expanding up into your upper chakras and down into your lower chakras all the way into the soles of your feet. And you might find you are feeling a kind of pulsating energy in your body right now, as you work with communion.
So right now you are establishing communion with yourself. You are becoming one with yourself completely. And just notice how good you feel as you allow this experience of self-communion, as you make yourself fully available to yourself.
Continue to breathe.
And if some discomfort gets activated anywhere within you it is just some shadowy hurt or pain, something perhaps that you been hiding from yourself. You are exposing yourself completely to yourself right now in a truly beautiful and powerful way, and yet anything sitting in the corners of the shadows might not feel so great about that right now.
So just run a quick FOAL on anything that comes up. Feel, observe, accept, and let that unconditional love flow. Put yourself back in the flow of unconditional love right now, as you commune completely with yourself.
So what’s required then, when you desire to commune with another in this way, whether that other be a human, a guide, a flower, a beloved animal in your life, what is required is a slowing down, right? You all need to slow down as you engage with one another for now at least, as you are really consciously practicing these techniques and this technology. And the slowing down puts you in your heart and allows you to then become available. And as you do that, as you become more and more available, you begin to telepath this to those you are already in connection with, because connection is the acknowledgment of the presence of the other being.
So again we are speaking about all beings here, human and then beings who exist in higher vibratory rates operating as guides. We are wanting to really normalize the idea today of the experience of connection in this way that you all define more often than not as channeling. Channeling is just bringing energy through the body. So what we are talking about is the comfort that we are encouraging you to feel in your relationships with all of these beings existing in higher vibratory rates who are here to support, love and assist you, connect with you, be friends with you, and companions with you at this time, just trying to normalize it for you all, just make it just as normal as your human connections are, and help you recognize that it is all the same. It is all the same technology. And the more you embrace, connection, communion, and collaboration with humans, the more you can embrace it with those of us that exist in other dimensions, and vice versa. The more you work in this way with the higher beings the easier it is for you to hold space and work in this way with the humans in your life.
So the communion occurs in the making of yourself available, completely available, and then the willingness to meet the other being where they are to find commonality, common ground, a space of agreement that allows for a harmonization of your energies, a syncing up, an ease, a joy, where then collaboration and collective manifestation become much, much simpler. There are many fewer conflicts that will come up as you operate this way with one another because communion requires respect, respect for the other being as another universal being of love incarnate on this world. And as that respect is felt and shared between the two or the three or the four or the 100 or the 1 million, the collaborative process evens out, smooths out and things begin to physically manifest, actualize and appear more easily.
The same is true in your inner work. The more you connect first with yourself, meaning acknowledge your own presence on the world, right, acknowledge yourself here manifest as of being love, Love incarnate on planet Earth, and then become completely available to yourself, vulnerable, willing to look at all of you, without judgment, the easier it is for you then as an individual creator to collaborate with yourself in your own personal manifestation process.
The same is true with us. The more you commune with us, the easier it is for you to collaborate with us. Your collaborations with us are multidimensional in nature, meaning they are not just conversations. It is not just, you are sitting receiving information that you then put to use in your life. These are energetic downloads as well, when you connect with us and collaborate and commune with us in this way, energetic downloads that then allow you to rapidly accelerate your own integration and re-ascension process and take that higher energy that you harmonized with as you commune with us and use that in your creative expressions, your manifestation process, your co-creative endeavors, your collaborative collective manifestations.