Equinox 2020 — Balance & Your Body with The Pleiadians & Ursula

Nora Herold
6 min readSep 24, 2020


Nora Herold, the Pleiadian Collective, Ursula, and The Faeries — Excerpt from the Equinox 2020 Transmission — September 17, 2020

Balancing is not “everything is all good, everything’s alright”. Balance, and the piece that comes into balance, is when you give yourself permission to shine your own light fully on your own expression, and then step into a deeper space of self-acceptance, self-love, honoring of the self and your journey here, and a continued commitment to “do better”.

And yes we are going to say that phrase today, “do better”. A commitment to do better.

Because let’s face it, this is what evolution is about. It’s your idea of evolution. That as you evolve, you will operate from your higher consciousness more and more often which will allow you to operate as a higher version of yourself, which from a third dimensional perspective to you, looks better. So why not just use that word, but use it in a nonjudgmental way, right? “ I’m going to do better”, not meaning, “I have been bad before”, because you have not. You have been exactly as you have been able to be at all times. Let that land in your body and balance you right now.

I have been exactly as I have been able to be, at all times.

Let that land in your body. Accept that as truth for you. And also honor your commitment to do better, meaning, to continue to feel all that it is you need to feel at all times, without judgment about yourself, as you clear and heal and transform and evolve, which allows your beliefs, your values, your identities to shift, allows you to operate then as the highest version of yourself at all times. As you, individually, operate in this balanced way, feel that balance in your body as we say it, and the acceptance of all that you have been and the commitment from within to move forward, to go higher, to do better.

And better doesn’t mean perfect. Better can sometimes mean, if you’ve had trouble expressing your anger, give yourself permission to express more of your anger. That is you doing better. And on the surface, someone else might interpret that as a lower vibrational place. That is their judgment, that is their interpretation. You need to know within yourselves, your own journey here, from a very balanced place, and only you and really only you, each of you, can know your own journey in this way. Which also truly offers you balance from within.

Just take a breath here. Inhale, right into your heart chakras, and exhale all the way down into the soles of your feet.

So let’s have you now really tune into your physical bodies. And play with the idea of balance or the energy of balance now in a physically expressed way in your bodies.

We want to help you come into balance right now in this moment in honoring yourself exactly as you are expressing yourself physically in the world. So first, give yourself permission to observe your body, the physical expression of your love. And let yourself notice where it is that you believe you are out of balance in your physical expression.

What are you hiding? Where are you holding? What are you in judgment about? What don’t you want to look at? Look at it. And look at not wanting to look at it. What don’t you like — or what do you hate — about your physical form as you breathe here?

Just fully let yourself really have this experience with your own body.

Because we see self-love of the physical form as one of the most difficult things for you all to achieve on this planet. And the physical form, your physical form, is just, of course, a metaphor for yourself. All the things you hate about yourself, your personality, your past, your “failings”, whatever, the list can be endless right? You project that then onto your bodies as well, the way your body moves, the way your body looks, how fat you are, how thin you are, how ugly you are, how imperfect you are, how gray-haired you are, how whatever it is you are…

So really have at it right now. And run down the list with yourself, as you are breathing.

And now, lean into your fifth dimension of consciousness from within. Specifically in your heart chakra all the way down to your first including the soles of your feet. Sure you can run this in your upper chakras as well, but for sure put your attention here on the chakras that are primarily responsible for your body and the creation of your physical reality. Lean in. Let all of that judgment, all that imperfection, all that self-hatred, that self-negation, distortions, fear, and trauma come up, and then lean into your higher self from within. Feel the embrace of your higher self, your fifth dimensional consciousness, as that energy enables you to first accept yourself exactly as you are physically expressed, and then feel unconditional love for your body, your form, your vehicle, grounding you, centering you, balancing you. As you breathe, feel the stillness this creates in your body. Feel how being centered and balanced, whole and perfect exactly as you are, expands you, and opens you up to new possibilities.

So while we have you in this state, having already activated the vibration of balance from within, use your breath now. Inhale into your body and magnify the experience of balance and as you exhale feel that glow of the experience throughout your energy fields. So first you are brightening from within, as you are vibrating in a balanced state. And when you feel ready using the technology your third eye that acts as a projector, inhale and magnify the vibration of balance, exhale and project that vibration into the field of Energy that sits outside of your etheric field, beyond your own energetic expression. Project that vibration and frequency of balance into the next room. Inhale and exhale and project it out the front door, into your yard, the street, the sidewalk, your neighborhood. Inhale and exhale and project this feeling of balance, the vibration of balance into the center of your town. Project it now all throughout the state you live in. You are multidimensional, your projectile technology is not a single shot like a bullet, it is a scattering of energy as far and wide as you like. Fill your state. Your region, your territory, your country, and in this moment recognize the projections of balance coming to you from everyone else participating in this exercise, as you open up the receptors and transmitters in your fifth dimensional etheric fields, projecting balance and receiving the energetic support of balance into your own field.

And then, let yourself right now as part of this spell for balance do something very simple. Take a very simple physical action that allows you to demonstrate the energy of balance, bringing it into physical density and physical expression. So we’re going to give you a minute now to do this, whatever it is, make it very simple make it very small as a part of this spell work. You can take bigger actions if you like but they are not necessary. What is necessary is that you bring this into physical density. So give yourself something right now to do with your body that allows you to demonstrate your balance…………………………………………….

Good, excellent, so this is that simple spell casting process. You light up from within, you transmute any trauma, anything that needs to be transmuted, you activate the vibration or frequency you are looking to use as the foundation for your spell, this one was balance. You projected it into the density around you, you got to receive it back today because you’re doing this in a group event, and then take a simple physical action to bring that vibration into physical density.

Full audio recording of this transmission available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can. noraherold.com

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