Healing Universal Distortions — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
5 min readJul 19, 2020


Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the July 7, 2020 Transmission

Greetings, this is the Pleiadian collective. As always, it is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful universal beings of love. So just take a breath here, inhale and exhale gently, centering and grounding yourselves in your bodies as you breathe.

So you are full through now the 3 eclipses and the solstice gateway. The energy is still lingering a bit, tapering off now from the solstice and that final eclipse, but you are through it. You are through that big push that is both facilitating the deconstruction of your current reality and a whole new construct is beginning to emerge from within all of you. And this is happening very quickly, while in many ways it is seeming like, to a lot of you, you can’t even move, because of COVID. So you are in this conundrum here where you are feeling this excitement in yourselves to move forward and take action in bigger ways, on this new reality you are building from within and yet you’re feeling a bit stalled and limited because of COVID.

So first and always, continue to put your attention on your inner-work. Continue to de-construct and de-program from within all systems of injustice. Because this is one of the things you came here to do in this lifetime, heal massive injustice, universal injustices that have existed long before planet Earth came into being, that existed long before even the Orion Wars. The Orion Wars brought it all to a head, the Orion Wars magnified the experiences of these universal injustices in a way that had never happened before because of the many beings suddenly interacting with one another, but that was not the origins of these injustices.

These programs, these distortions, these belief systems, these viruses that are running began to come into this universe via other universes, other portals, other wormholes. This universe began as a universe of singularity. This universe was altered, the magnification happened during the Orion wars. The re-magnification for the revisiting of the magnification has then happened again and again and again and again on planet Earth and you are in one of these moments right now, of re-magnifying all of these distortions, all of these programs, all of these injustices.

Let yourself feel all of it in your body, right now. And let yourself have your feelings about these injustices in your body as you breathe. And let yourself remember that a piece of integration and re-ascension is deactivating all of these programs, of racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, patriarchy, Islamophobia, on, and on, and on.

There are so many on your world, and they are taking shape and form in various ways. And one of the things that you’re doing right now is each of you is holding a particular magnification of each issue in each of your own bodies. And as you are doing that you are bumping up against others on your world that are holding a different magnification of the issue. You have thought, “Ah, this is duality.”

That was your thinking, right? There is an example of extreme racism or even just racism outside of you and then there is anti-racism inside of you, and there is the work that you’re doing around that. And you thought to yourself, “Ah, that’s duality”.


Racism is a distortion. There is no duality in racism, there is no duality in homophobia, there is no duality in any of the other things we have listed, and so many others. There is no duality in abuse. Take a breath, all of you. There is simply the truth that you are one and then anything that takes you outside of that is a distortion. Anything that causes you to think that anyone else’s expression of consciousness in living form or any other form is any less than yours or any greater than yours, takes you out of oneness, and these are distortions. These are distortions you incarnated to heal, to heal within your own experience, so you could then collectively collaborate and begin to create a more harmonious reality.

So take a moment right now to take a breath here. And just tune into yourself, and tune into this information that we are working with you on right now, that is being transmitted both verbally and energetically. And there is so much more in the energetic transmission then there is in Nora’s current translation. So let yourself really put your attention on your body right now. As you inhale, open up the portal in your heart, and as you exhale let yourself receive and integrate all of this support information and energy that will facilitate you in deactivating your own personal brands of distortions. So you can better collaborate and co-create on planet Earth.

Just inhale into your heart, and exhale all throughout your energetic structure. And let yourself feel anything and everything that is coming up in you right now, any thought you have, maybe thoughts that are contrary, that are confusing around this because we are taking you down a little bit of a different path right now than the pathways that we have taken you down before. And part of this is because you’re in a new now moment. You’re in a moment of radical deconstruction, not just destruction, we don’t want you to see it that way, that feels too violent in your bodies when you think about destruction.

Think about the word deconstruction, taking apart, piece by piece examining carefully and closely each piece of the puzzle as you take it apart and let it go, let it leave your bodies; emotional, mental, and physical, and energetic; which then opens up your field to be a conduit for higher energy that allows you to then construct and build and collaborate from true oneness from that space of singularity that doesn’t run these programs of distortion. So inhale into your heart, and exhale all throughout your body.

So one of the things that is coming up for a lot of if you is this idea around, “Alright what is appropriate or not from me as a spiritual person? As one who is really striving for oneness?” And the concern we can see sometimes is that “Ugh if I engage in the duality. If I engage in the struggle. If I engage in the conflict, I am then simply magnifying the conflict and disabling oneness from occurring.”

And we will tell you again, there is no oneness in these distortions. These distortions are what you came here to shine your light on, both in your inner work and then externally, and heal, clear, transmute, release. You are literally working on ridding your consciousness, your individual consciousnesses, and then your collective consciousness of these programs. It is massive work and there is no spiritual perfection in this because you are already perfect. You are already source energy, love incarnate. You cannot do this wrong. You will only feel wrong in this if you either repress, step back out of fear, and/or continue to nod along with distorted programs you are not in agreement with. Just take a breath here………………………………..

Get the recording of the entire transmission here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can. noraherold.com

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