Individuated Shifts Within the Container of the Collective Shift — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Transcribed Excerpt from the Post Eclipse Debrief and Integration Transmission January 24, 2019
“You have just navigated through a month’s worth of downloading and integrating major codes and energy and light that have completely redesigned your systems once more, starting with the solstice transmission that occurred in December on the 20th and 21st, heading into the solar eclipse at the beginning of January, and then the lunar eclipse that you all experienced just a few days ago on January 20th and 21st.
So just take a moment to acknowledge that truth, that you once again opened yourselves up to dramatic changes. And these changes are taking shape and form within your structure as we’re speaking to you right now.
So, the first thing we want to do is help you fully integrate these last bits that have come in along with that total lunar eclipse that opened a major gateway for you all. And we also want to continue to facilitate your integration of the solstice downloads that came in with the solar eclipse, and anything else for you that you’re personally working on right now — because there’s the collective experience of all of these major downloads and connections, and then there’s your individuated experience — and every single one of you are capable of, and do, open yourselves up to transmissions and activations, and the openings of portals within your system, and shifts and changes whenever you want.
So you have these big, collective download moments and events, like the solstices and the eclipses and the equinoxes, and then you have your individuated, shifting events that each of you move through at your own pace and sometimes consciously design.
When you consciously set up for yourself a healing session or a reading — or when you consciously set up for yourself an interaction on your own with your own guides in your own space — every time you do one of those things, when you are engaging with an elevated consciousness, you’re opening yourself up to a change moment. So you have these individual shifts that happen very rapidly, and very instantaneously quite often. And most of the time you’re not even aware that that’s really what you’re seeking when you are seeking the healing, the reading, the contact with your guides.
The underlying intent is always: “I’m ready for more. I’m ready to further my own integration and re-ascension experience so I’m going to seek out, in this moment, the highest possible level of energetic support that can download new codes into my system that will facilitate this for me.” So, that’s partly why you’re not all in the same place at the same time. Because you have your individuated work, and then you have your collective work.
When the collective work happens, what each of you has, or hasn’t, done individually will show itself to you during the moments of collective expansion. You’ll get to see…“Am I stretching as far as I could here, or do I have a little bit more of my own interpersonal work to tend to that can then enable me to access all that was given to me on the solstice, the eclipse, the equinox, etc.?” And if you find that you’re not accessing the totality of the support and the downloads and the energy that came in, let’s say on the solstice, which was over a month ago now so it feels to you like that’s over; that’s done. Well, it’s not done! It’s not over. That transmission of love and light and energy is always going to be available to you because that came from a source that does not exist on linear time. So that is a continual stream of energy and information, just as are every single other transmission you have experienced going back as far as you want.
You can access any, and all, of that information in any moment in time because, from the quantum perspective, it exists as multidimensional information, love, light, and support.” — The Pleiadians channeled through Nora Herold
Originally published at