Integrating the Massive Upgrades — Calliandra and The Pleiadians
Nora Herold, Calliandra, and the Pleiadian Collective — Transcribed Excerpt from the June 4, 2019 Transmission
This is Calliandra! (singing and chuckling)
So! We are feeling like you all need a big dose of PLAY! And we’re making ourselves, the Faerie Collective, even more available to you right now than ever before!
Now, part of this is because you just went through a massive uptick in your vibration. Which means that your vibratory rate is even closer to ours now. Which means that we can interrelate with one another in an easier and more effortless way on both sides.
You know, it takes work on both sides. It takes you elevating your vibratory rate — putting yourselves in a space to receive channeled information — and it takes us adjusting our vibration downwards just a bit so we can meet on a common plane and engage with, and interact with, each other.
And because you went through such a massive upgrade — and you’re gonna hear all about that upgrade tonight. You’re gonna hear all about what’s coming with the solstice and all about what the next few weeks are gonna be like for all of you, and you’ll hear about that from the Pleiadians — but we are here to share with you our joy, our light, and our availability to you.
Every Being holding the identity of faerie — and when we say ‘faerie,’ that’s a big umbrella term. So you can factor-in many different kinds of Beings when you think of the faerie: The elves, the gnomes, the unicorns, on and on — all of these “fantastical and magical Beings” that you have read about, that you sometimes have felt a connection to, that you feel a genetic correlation with in your bodies. We are nearer to you now then ever before. And our primary function is to facilitate your navigation through the 4th dimension, into 5th dimensional density — into that field of 5th dimensional understanding, because that’s where we live. We are the 5-D Beings. We know this realm better than any other Being in the universe.
So, we’re here to help you with this, and we’re here to help you in a very physical way. We are here to literally facilitate the lightening of your load.
Greetings, this is the Pleiadian Collective. Calliandra hasn’t gone anywhere but we wanted to come in right now on that key piece of information: The lightening of your physical load! You are a lighter version of yourselves today than you were four weeks ago!
You went through a massive restructuring within your cellular structure during that period that Nora was talking about at the beginning of this conversation. You did groundbreaking work within your bodies that is continuing to facilitate your shift from carbon-based to crystalline-based entities. And you’re starting to vibrate physically right now on the crystalline grid.
Your mental bodies aren’t going to know what the hell that means, so take that information right into your heart chakras. Let’s feel into your bodies right now as we say this. You’re starting to vibrate in alignment with the crystalline grid, physically. This is happening in your bodies. Feel what’s going on in your bodies — the recognition that’s happening physically in your bodies, the confirmation in your bodies — as we give you this piece of information.
So, as Calliandra was saying, you are now closer in vibratory rate to a 5th dimensional Being than you ever have been before. Which means engaging with those Beings in 5-D space becomes easier as you do things in your 3rd dimensional interpretation of reality that still feel kind of weighty to you.
(Here they used Nora’s house-cleaning experience as an example to show how it is you can go about your day.)
So you can come at what appears to be a very physical, dense 3rd dimensional task and call in your 5th dimensional support via the faeries and that whole cadre of Beings. You can also call in higher Beings as well, of course, but working specifically with 5th dimensional Beings in this way is gonna have a greater effect for all of you because you are vibrating yourselves at times on that 5th dimensional bandwidth. Therefore you are able to get more done aligning specifically with Beings who are holding that 5th dimensional vibratory rate. So this is where the “magic” happens.