Joy as the Growth Motivator — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the November 3, 2020 Transmission
One of the programs that is being deactivated right now within yourself as you run this exercise tonight, but also within the collective consciousness, is the program that growth comes via suffering and that suffering and abuse are needed to facilitate growth, to facilitate the reunification, to facilitate a brighter reality. That program was deactivated on the Winter Solstice of 2012. It was part of an older grid of incarnations, and all of you tuning in, you incarnated while that grid was still in place.
So you are still carrying within yourselves a habitual knee-jerk reaction that makes you believe, or want to believe, that you have to have suffering to grow. And that makes you want to say, “Ah well, that suffering. That’s okay because it made us grow”.
And this is what you have got to start watching in your consciousness, the need to project onto suffering some kind of growth value and instead, just call it what it is — SUFFERING — and it is not necessary. It is not needed. It does not need to exist in your reality to facilitate the benefit of collective humanity.
This is a big shift for you all.
Now the beings that began incarnating after the winter solstice of 2012, they are not coming in with this program running. And as more and more continue to come onto your world, carrying this new template and this new blueprint, those of you who have been here for decades running this program, you are going to feel really supported and helped by that energy coming in that is so uplifting for you, that will uplift you out of literally your need to suffer.
Feel that in your bodies without judgment, right? This is not about you being psychologically off, or psychologically wrong. This is not about you blaming yourself. That’s not what we are talking about here. We’re talking about an eons-old energetic implant collective humanity has been running that was just recently deactivated not quite eight years ago. You are not used to it yet. It is very new.
Your ancestors knew nothing about this. They only knew suffering as a path for growth. Sure there have been plenty of times in other lives, plenty of times in this life that you have chosen to grow and evolve simply for the joy of it. However that idea is not held in the collective consciousness.
What is currently held is - “No pain, no gain!” - Right?
We would say tonight to all of you — NO!
Clear that as a mantra. It is debilitating to you all to expect suffering as a growth motivator.
Let yourselves align now with the truth, that you can joyfully, effortlessly choose growth and evolution just for the beauty of it, just for the experience of it, just for the expansion of it. Remember yourselves right now as the ancient wise beings you are, who only desire growth, evolution, reunification, harmony, simply because it feels good to do it. Feel that goodness in yourselves, in your bodies. Let yourselves reflect right now on how good it feels when you extend yourselves from that unconditional place of generosity to another, the goodness that comes up in you, the feeling state - goodness. Let yourself reflect on that right now, and use that as your motivator for growth, evolution.
Inhale and exhale deeply into yourselves, and align yourself with this program — Joy as the growth motivator.
Operating from joy in this way, choosing to grow joyfully, choosing joy as the energy, the foundation, the frequency, and the vibration for your growth facilitates an exponential reunification on your world and a rapidly shifting reality, physically. In physical density, things will begin to shift more rapidly. Solutions to age-old problems will come online via the consciousness of many beings who will want to collaborate with one another because there will be no need to compete.
We are giving you a bit of a preview of what the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius will bring on the Winter Solstice. That is the key piece right there.
And let yourselves align with this right now, this timeline where you’re choosing to joyfully evolve because you have left behind the need to suffer. And when you find yourself falling back into believing suffering is good, necessary, needed for your growth, run a quick clearing on yourself. Find where are you are still running that outdated program and clear. Bring some golden light into your heart and flush your field. Activate the vibration of joy from within, and then take a simple physical action right there from that joyful space that demonstrates your growth. Growth can be very simple, right? You can physically express your growth in very simple and easy ways. This is that spell work we have been working with you all on for the last year now. Your spells can be very small in the actions you connect to them, and yet the ultimate manifestations and results become resoundingly enormous for yourselves individually and for the collective.