Jupiter, Capricorn, and Your Pre-Solstice Clearing
Nora Herold, Ursula the Faerie, and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the 12–3–19 Transmission
Your Winter Solstice will be exact on Dec. 21st at 8:19pm Pacific Time, and the solstice gateway that you’re going to walk through and find yourselves receiving energy on is really going to move you forward as you experience on planet Earth what those of us who are engaging with you are calling “The Return of The Faeries.”
“The Faeries” is a gigantic umbrella term used to describe many different kinds of Beings. All of you identify with one or more of these Beings, so you are activating from within your Faerie identities and the powers and magic and abilities that go along with these identities. You’re also going to witness physical manifestations of these Beings on your Earth as well — and this has already started. You have a number of things going on with you all right now that are going to really prepare you for this. There are actually a number of astrological events right now, kind of all going on at the same time, that are facilitating the grounding of the Faerie energy on your world.
Yesterday, Jupiter moved into Capricorn. That’s a big change, to go from Fire into Earth. (Jupiter in Sagittarius (fire) just ended and Jupiter in Capricorn (earth) just began.) It may have felt like a ‘thud’ in your bodies because suddenly everything feels much slower, much more dense, much more heavy because Capricorn is a very grounded and earthy energy. The beauty of Jupiter sitting in Capricorn for you all means that the energy of Capricorn is going to facilitate the bringing about of goodwill, good fortune, joy, and play on planet Earth in a very grounded, practical and real way.
Take a look at your lives right now and take a look at the practicality of your existence which often feels very counter to all of this new age-y, spiritual, channeling stuff, right? The practicality of life! But it is the practicality of your life that needs to be infused with the magic of your 5th dimensional identity, your 5th dimensional consciousness, your 5th dimensional perspective. Moving forward, those of you that understand this are now going to give yourselves the opportunity to bring that higher vibrational energy into the densest areas of your lives and suddenly find that the things that used to feel boring and challenging and difficult, and maybe not that interesting to you as a human, are suddenly going to feel much more fun and exciting and enjoyable. And this is going to benefit you all as physical creators and manifestors in your reality.
As you play in this energy for the next year, what will be required of you is your willingness to take physical action on the things that you feel excited about. If you stay in your upper chakras and just play in the excitement but don’t allow that energy to come into your lower chakras and support action, you’re going to find this year ahead a bit more challenging because the energy doesn’t support you all staying in your heads and having magical adventures in your minds and ideas and emotions as Jupiter moving through Sagittarius did. The energy is going to support you all literally getting things done, and getting things done in a big, big way. Not just personally, but also in the collective experience, which brings us to two other big pieces that are happening concurrently.
You also have Saturn and Pluto, the two big “game-changer” planets in astrology. When you look at Saturn and Pluto they very often are the “uh-oh” planets when you see them and when you talk about them on your world.
So Pluto and Saturn are also both moving through Capricorn, and on January 12th, 2020 these two big powerhouses, Saturn and Pluto, are going to meet up, they’re going to be conjunct. We like to say these celestial Beings hang out together. It might feel like Saturn and Pluto go hang out in a bar together and get really drunk, (Nora said chuckling), and then operate and set off some events from that date. And that’s what it’s going to feel like on your world — the potential for some pretty ground-breaking events. And because it’s happening in Capricorn these events are going to be very physical and very connected to power. You may see them playing out leading up to January 12th and then in the weeks that follow.
During this window of time you also have a solar eclipse happening on December 25th at 9:17pm Pacific Time and a lunar eclipse happening on January 10th at 11:10am Pacific Time.
So you have some pretty major events that have begun, that are being amplified, that are going to continue to amplify and work on each of you individually and throughout your reality over the next month and a half.