Lions Gate Portal 2019 — Telepathic Magnification and Acceleration
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the 8–6–19 Transmission
This is a really magnificent upgrade in your systems that you’re experiencing right now (speaking of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate portal energies) that’s going to really facilitate a unification in the collective on planet Earth and the ability to navigate through some pretty intense astrological events that are going to be upcoming through the end of the year and into the beginning of next year. And don’t perceive ‘intense’ as bad, because there is the potential here, with the intensity of energy connected to these astrological occurrences, for some spectacularly beautiful shifts in your physical reality and on your planet.
One of the things that’s getting activated for you all right now is the deepening of your telepathic abilities. And it should be kind of evident to you that this is true on your world because one of the things that is happening as a byproduct of you all becoming more telepathic is that less and less people are choosing to hide their true thoughts and feelings. You are seeing real evidence of that on your world right now where people are feeling really free to express whatever their current truth is in the moment, whether that truth be extremely loving, or that truth be extremely fear-based and hateful. Part of the reason there is this freedom in expression of what the individuals perceive to be their own truths is that as you have all become more telepathic and more connected to one another, that’s bleeding out now into your physical reality.
You’re going to get to the point in your evolutionary experience eventually — and don’t be attached to it happening in this lifetime — but you’re going to get to the point eventually where you are not going to be able to tell whether the person said it out loud physically or just thought it. And it won’t matter, because you’ll be so tuned-in to one another and be so able to interpret, and hear, and connect with, and share space with one another that you’re gonna hear, see, feel, and know everything about the other being you are interacting with.
And this is starting to happen now on your world in more obvious ways. It is really a struggle now to hide, to lie, even if what you’re hiding is something really dark and fearful and shadowy. It’s just getting harder and harder to hide because it takes so much energy to decrease your vibration and put a lid on it in that way.
So that’s one of the pieces we want you to understand about some of the events that are happening on your planet right now. It doesn’t explain all of it, certainly. There’s so much un-transmuted fear and trauma expressing itself and there’s so much manipulation still occurring on your world. Those who want to hold on to the illusion of power are using everything at their disposal right now to keep the fearful masses afraid.
That is happening as well, of course, but we wanted to draw your attention to this piece. So, one of the things you can start to do for yourself is you can start to really observe how consciously telepathic you’re being in your own life right now. And you will be more telepathic the more available you are. The more you let everyone know your truth out loud, the easier it’s going to be for you to have access because, just like a portal, access is a two-way street. There’s an in and an out. You’ve got to be willing to share it all to receive it all, and vice versa.
So this activation with this Lion’s Gate portal is really going to accelerate and magnify your telepathic abilities, and, along with that, when we talk about telepathy we are not just talking about your interactions and engagements with other Earthlings and other third-dimensional beings. This is going to expand your connection and contact with all beings no matter what dimension they reside on, no matter what planet they reside on. So, partly what may happen as a result of this is you may start to, as a planetary system, experience more and more events with physical extraterrestrials, meaning UFO sightings, people suddenly remembering contact with E.T. beings they are either having in the moment or had when they were younger. Some of those memories are going to start to surface.
So this is all a part of that telepathic magnification and acceleration. The other thing that’s going to happen is you are going to continue to experience accelerated manifestations. The beauty of that is things are going to happen more quickly.