Lion’s Gate Portal and a Power Reshuffle — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the August 3, 2021 Transmission
(Following a toning exercise)
This is a great exercise that you can do at any time — where you take in that transmission of golden energy that is always available to you. You inhale it into your heart and your crown, and then as you exhale you release a tone allowing that supporting celestial energy to move through your throat, helping you to clear up any obstacles or old traumas or fears or hesitancy when it comes to you asking for that which you need; you defining your boundaries within the context of your relationships, within the context of your creative endeavors, within the context of your lives; you operating from a more genuine and authentic space, and you also then being able to access greater agency and accountability in your life.
Because with greater agency comes greater accountability. If you try to have more agency, meaning grab more power, without allowing yourself to be accountable for that power, that creates an imbalance. This is largely what you are seeing on planet Earth right now when it comes to the patriarchal constructs, when it comes to capitalism, when it comes to your governmental institutions that are overrun with that kind of energy. It is this imbalance. It is a grabbing for more agency and power and a lack of accountability, both personally, within yourself, within your own life, within your own direct relationships with others, and then also collectively, a disconnection from recognizing and owning that every single thing you do, say, think, feel, etc. effects the whole. There is an imbalance on your world now. This is why it is so easy to point at the patriarchal energy because it so demonstrates this imbalance of grabbing for power with no accountability.
We’re talking about this right now because this particular Lion’s Gate Portal, this activation, this supporting energy coming in when Sirius appears to be closer to your world as it comes into alignment with Earth, Orion’s belt, and your pyramids there in Giza, that is what the Lion’s Gate Portal is all about. It is these three players, Orion’s belt, Sirius, and your world, specifically the pyramids in Giza. It is on August 8th, that this exact alignment occurs, but the players are all moving into position and have been already for a bit of time and will continue then after the apex to hold that position as they gently move apart. So it is not a one-day event, it is something that happens for about three weeks. You experience the intensity of the energy for about three weeks.
More often than not when it comes to your collective experiences here, this is about power and a reorganization of the power structures. It in part is called the Lion’s Gate Portal because your sun is in Leo during this period of time so you bring the lion energy in which holds the archetype of royalty, which when you reflect upon your histories on planet Earth, that was the power structure, and in some spaces it still is.
So what is going to happen during this particular event, this year, is a highlighting of the imbalance between grabbing for power while rejecting accountability and the need for accountability. You can see this playing out today (August 3, 2021) if you take a look at your news you have a political figure right now who has been accused of harassment. He is in a political family, dynasty, so you can very much relate that to the royal lines, it is very similar in that energy. He is rejecting any participation, there is a real lack of accountability here for his actions, and yet others are calling him to be accountable. So this is some of the newness of the energy that is coming in via this particular Lion’s Gate Portal. We are talking about the big picture right now. We will talk much more specifically then for each of you in your own lives, how you can play with this energy and how you can really benefit from it. Right now we are talking about the big collective demonstration of it that is playing out, so you can say, “Ah, look at that. Yes, this person in a position of political power is being called on the carpet for behavior, sexual harassment and abuses of his power, and other beings around him, also in high levels of positions of power, also in, what you might call dynasty lines on your world are also calling on him to be accountable.” These are beings who would not necessarily, in times past, cross one another in this way because of alliances and allegiances. This is becoming less important as you move through this particular reshuffling of the power dynamics, and as you all begin to clearly see those who are willing to claim and own their accountability and responsibility for themselves and their behavior and those who are not.
So now how do you apply this to yourself? Well, you can simplify it and really notice, “Alright, are my beliefs and my personal grabbing for power, are they motivated by lack? Are they motivated by fear? Are they motivated by a need to feel more special?” (which is really the converse of feeling not good enough). And if they are you will see then how when you are operating from that place, you feel justified in grabbing for more without recognizing how your actions, how your behaviors, how you are impacting the collective.
Then on the other hand, when you were coming from that space of understanding and recognizing that there is more than enough in this Universe for all beings, and you are taking actions from the honoring of this truth, “I am here as a manifestation of energy projecting itself into an individualized form while at the same time a piece of a greater collective. And as I take this action and step from the fullness and awareness of myself as love incarnate, I recognize the impact this step has upon all around me.”
So you are really just going to start to play with all of this as you move through this gateway and into the preview of the equinox. And this is really going to continue to help you more and more re-identify who it is you believe yourself to be right now, and what it is that lights you up, that excites you, that allows you to live in the most vibrant way possible as a being of service here on planet Earth.