Love in the Age of Aquarius — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the “Love in the Age of Aquarius”
Workshop & Transmission — February 19, 2021
Moving into the Age of Aquarius and love in the Age of Aquarius means that at all times you are always connected to that stream of love. It is always there in your consciousness.
You can equate it to the integration of your higher self within your third dimensional chakra system because your higher self cannot play the game of separation or isolation. Your higher self or your fifth dimensional consciousness knows itself to be love incarnate at all times, knows itself to be not just connected to that stream of the love, but in it, a part of it, receiving it, and transmitting it at all times. And as collective humanity more and more opens up to the experience of integration of the higher self, which might be defined in mainstream circles, outside of the niche of the new age spiritual communities, or outside of channeled transmissions, you might start to call that higher love, a humanitarian love.
So we can equate those things. Humanitarian love is the same as the expression of the love of your higher-self running through your body. So you may start to hear this more and more. You will start to hear this more and more in your mainstream conversations. It will show up in pop culture. You will hear “humanitarian” or “humanitarian love” more and more in your media sources, and that is collective humanity having a more macro experience of the integration of the higher-self into the third dimensional chakra system. So you are not going to see a news anchor on CNN do a story about integration of the higher-self into the third dimensional chakra system, but you will see them do a story on humanitarian love, humanitarian connection, humanitarian aid, and efforts.
When you start to see more and more of that reflected around you in what you would call these more mainstream sources, that will be a trigger for all of you to recognize, “Ah, integration and re-ascension is being accessed now in a more mainstream way, in a more direct way. The collective consciousness is grabbing a hold of this and beginning to operate more and more from their fifth dimensional consciousnesses, integrated into their third dimensional containers and this is Love in the Age of Aquarius!”
It is a physical actualization of the integration of the fifth dimensional consciousness/ higher-self into the third dimensional vehicles of collective humanity and a conscious acknowledgment of it. Although the language will be different around it, you will know what it is. You will see it. You are already starting to see it. You are already starting to see beings, meaning earthlings, talking about things from this more humanitarian, collective space that either would not have had the opportunity just a few years ago to speak about it in this way or, if they were public figures, were not speaking this kind of language, weren’t speaking about it at all.
So just take a breath here and let yourselves really connect with this piece of the shift.
And start to look for it. Start to see the evidence around it. You will notice it even in conversations you are having on social media. What you are going to start seeing happening, and what is already happening, actually, either in social media spaces or just in social circles, is people are speaking out more and more around injustice, around racism, around other forms of abuse of power, and they are feeling freer and freer to do so. They are feeling freer and freer, the earthlings here, to respond to somebody who is putting something out there that holds that distortion of fear. A few years ago if a public figure had done something like this there would’ve been perhaps a minimal response to it. Now there is a much bigger response to it, and people who would have defined themselves, perhaps, as less important, or as having less value than the famous person opening their mouth, they just would have stayed silent. In part, they were feeling they did not have the right to respond to this public figure, due to a disproportionate accessing of the love energy.
Because when you are playing in separation, that also means you get to play with the illusion that some beings have more access to love, giving them more power, more abilities, more sway in the collective. And then the majority of the earthlings have less access to love. And you felt that in your bodies. You would feel that as a real visceral sensation that often prevented you from speaking to power, love expressing itself as power in this way. It would prevent you from doing that because you felt small in contrast to that earthling, that public figure, or that politician, or celebrity, or influencer, whoever they were. You felt smaller in contrast because it was looking to you like they had more access, more power, more love. You had less, therefore, you did not have the support energetically to freely express yourself as an equal, as a peer, to that being. This dynamic is changing. You are already seeing a change. You are seeing the illusion now, the illusion that it always has been, but the illusion that you bought into as reality for the majority of this incarnation. Now this piece here that we are talking about, really shifted on the Winter Solstice of 2012, the December solstice of 2012, at the end of that year, as all of your contracts expired here on planet Earth and you stepped into an entirely new framework of reality.
Take a breath of all of you.
As you stepped into this new framework, the entirety of the game changed, and the assumption of power and those who always had the assumption of power and the roles that said, “Ah, if I have this role as an elected official, or as a teacher, or as a guide, or as a celebrity that means an assumption of power”.
That all became null and voided. That all expired, all of those contracts. And now you are really truly all the same. But of course, it is taking you some physical time to really integrate this truth and awareness and understanding. And then you also have planetary aspects and astrology that are either slowing this movement down or speeding it up. So, recently you have had some things that have really sped this up. One, which we spoke about already, was the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, there back in December of 2020, just a couple of months ago, which really ushered in, in a physical way, for you all, this understanding that you are in the Age of Aquarius. It’s not really that you entered it, it’s not really that you entered it on that gateway. That gateway for all of you made you recognize that you’re in it. You are here. The Age of Aquarius actually started some time ago, but that gateway offered you a visceral experience of it in your bodies. So if it becomes, if it turns out that you start to define it as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, that is fine. But really from our perspective it really did start some time ago because one of the pieces that the Age of Aquarius is also going to offer you all is an incredible advancement in your use of technology and your technologies on your world. And there has been an exponential increase in technology and the use of technologies over the last few decades. So you can see how that energy of the Age of Aquarius was already seeping through and of course moving from one age to another doesn’t just happen on one day or with one astrological event.
So now you have got the Saturn and Uranus squares happening this year, in 2021. And the first just occurred on February 17th. So Saturn is all about the rules. Because Saturn has just moved into Aquarius after spending a lot of time in Capricorn, Saturn wants to rewrite all the rules, and all of the rules want to be different and supportive of collective humanity. And then Uranus doesn’t really care about the rules. Uranus just wants to come on in and do whatever it wants to do, whenever it wants to do it, and have fun, and be an agent of change. The energy of Uranus is very change-like as is the energy of Saturn, and a square means that they are arguing, basically. These two celestial bodies are having an argument right now about whether or not there even should be rules. Saturn wants to impose new rules. Uranus says, “Why the hell do we even need rules?” So there is this push and pull in the field that you all feel in your bodies, that occurred on the 17th of February, will occur again on June 14th, and again on December 24.
So you’re going to visit this experience twice more this year, and you will see these moments as (so, the June and the December ones really line up with your next two solstices), so these are going to be major gateways for you all in accessing your humanitarian love. Personally, you will start to interpret this as, “Okay, I am an individual, and I must do what is for my highest good; and yet I am also a piece of humanity, and I must do what is for humanity’s highest good as well.”
“I must.”
You will feel this as an imperative within yourself. And what you will integrate even more and more deeply as you move through this year is, “Ah! As I do what is for the highest good for humanity, I am automatically doing what is for the highest good for myself, because I am, I am that piece of humanity. I feel my humanness and my beauty in my humanness”, which is also really going to start coming online for you all in this shift. And a piece of Love in the Age of Aquarius, is a greater and greater honoring, acceptance, and love of your humanness.