Magic, Magical Thinking, and Delusion — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
5 min readJan 30, 2021


Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the “Practical Magic — Spells for Everyday Life”
Workshop & Transmission — January 21, 2021

First, let’s talk about magic. So, magic is what you are. It is what everything, everyone, every action, every experience is. You can replace the word magic with — love incarnate, source energy, your light, your essence. It all is really the same. Magic. Tune in right now to your magic as you breathe. What is that for you in this moment? Is that you connecting with the integration of your higher self? Is that you connecting with a different expression of your energy in your body? Just let yourself right now really gather some data about yourself as you breathe and access your own magic from within.

Does your magic have a color? A form? A structure? Really get to know your own magic right now, that energy that runs throughout your form, that is your form, but you can also access the energetics of your form and really have a look at it from an energetic perspective. So when we say have a look at it, you may or may not actually see something. You may instead simply know the color, the form, the shape, the expression. Don’t force yourself to see. If you know it, you know it……or you hear it…..or you feel it. Perhaps you feel your magic is a crystalline kind of color. Whatever it is, it is yours, and you know it. You are accessing it right now. And it is also you. It is not separate from you. You are your magic. Your body, your third dimensional structure is a projection of your magic, a projection of the magic of this universe, and you look in part the way you look as a projection of the collective magic on planet Earth that has determined currently you are in carbon-based, humanoid form.

Take a breath here

Alright, so this is you, your magic. It is love. It is power. It is energy. You are love, power, and energy. You are magic. And at its base, it is empowering. Feel your empowerment as you access your magic. And know that you can, with your breath, magnify your magic, your light from within, and project it outwards into the reality around you, into the density around you, engaging with all of the magic around you, finding commonality in the magic that expresses itself in the form of other beings in your reality, in the form of creative projects, in the form of work experiences, in the form nature, in the form of your house, on and on and on. It is all magic. This is magic. We will get into spell casting in a bit. Right now we are talking about magic, and simply a real, integrated understanding of magic in its simplest and truest form — empowerment.

Take a breath, as your heart opens.

Alright, magical thinking is disempowerment. Magical thinking is the idea that something outside of you, or a ritual, a set of events has a particular power over you, and if you either do or don’t do these certain things, that will affect your personal magic from being effective or not. Magical thinking is fear-based.

This is how you can begin to differentiate within yourself — “Am I accessing my magic right now? Oh yes, I feel completely empowered. I feel my own empowerment from within, and I am simply connecting with these magical tools outside of me, things I have defined as magic because everything is magic. A magical tool can be a crystal or it can be a chair. It can be anything. So yes, I am using these magical tools, but they are not giving me my magic or responsible for my magic. I am simply collaborating with these tools and magnifying my own personal magic through the collaboration with these tools, these tools that I am defining as magic.”

Take a breath here.

Magical thinking is, “Alright, I’m going to do a spell. I need this particular crystal. Oh, I can’t find that crystal. I can’t do the spell!”

Feel the disempowerment in that as you breathe. Magical thinking is as simple as that childhood saying, “Step on a crack break your mother’s back.” It leads you into superstitious beliefs.

So, you are all prone to magical thinking. We do not want you at all to judge yourself when you find yourself in an experience of magical thinking. We want you instead to recognize in the moment, “Huh, I have probably activated an underlying fear connected to an underlying trauma right now, that has caused me to believe and hand my power off to this superstitious belief system, idea, whatever it is, which is completely disempowering me in the moment and actually preventing me from accessing my magic in a pure and empowered way.”

And when you find that happening, stop, take a breath, run a quick FOAL, or whatever else you do to clear your energy. If you have discovered it is bigger trauma than what you can simply handle in the moment, get yourself some assistance in a more real and grounded way. That will help you deactivate being drawn to magical thinking, programs of magical thinking, and will allow you to operate in a more and more empowered way with your own magic using whatever tools you have on hand, in a freely expressed way without worrying about getting it right or getting it wrong, or telling yourself that something outside of you has a certain level of power and if you don’t have it in a particular way, you are not going to be able to access that power.

Take a breath here.

So the magical thinking is a big one for all of you. It is really such an important gateway to notice because if you don’t catch yourself in your magical thinking, if you don’t pull yourself off of that ledge, you can fall into delusion. Then you are really open to delusions and delusional kinds of thinking and behaviors.

Delusion is disabling. It is beyond disempowerment. It is debilitating. It leaves you feeling powerless. A delusion will cause you to completely hand off your power to another being, a group of beings, an idea, an outcome, a reality, and it leaves you feeling empty and hopeless and afraid, and then you constantly run to the delusion itself for sustenance, thinking you are getting love. What you are really feeding off of is fear, and it keeps you in a loop. This is how cults are developed, off of this kind of delusion. And because you’re all prone to magical thinking, some of you to a lesser degree some of you to a greater degree, you are also all prime candidates to be recruited into cult-like mentalities and systems based on delusions. So this again is why this threshold of magical thinking and catching yourself in it, observing your own magical thinking, and tending to that which causes you to want to disempower yourself in this way, is so important for you all, not just as magicians and creators but for your own health and sanity and experience as a human as well.

Full audio recording of this transmission available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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