Mothership Earth — The Pleiadians & Ursula
Nora Herold, the Pleiadian Collective, and Ursula
Excerpts from the Earth Day Magic Workshop & Transmission
April 22, 2021
Part One
As always it is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful universal beings of love incarnate in your beautiful, beautiful human forms.
So just really let that land as you are breathing.
You all have been working so diligently at integrating your higher selves’/ fifth dimensional consciousnesses into the density of your lower chakra system that it is becoming now easier and easier for you to stay in your bodies and connected at the same time. It is becoming easier and easier for you to both embrace your expression as human, in human form, and it is also becoming easier for you to recognize when it is you are rejecting or resisting your experience as human. It is important to do both, to recognize and acknowledge when you are in a space of honoring, loving, appreciating, your humanness, your human form, your human body, your human operating system, all of humanity, and it is equally as important to observe when it is you are rejecting yourself and all of humanity.
The rejection is a manifestation of unhealed trauma, fear, discomfort. The rejection shows you what you are healing, what you need to heal, what it is you came here to help shift and change. The acceptance is the integration and manifestation of that change. They work hand-in-hand.
Of course, as you celebrate Earth Day, we will celebrate that with you but we will also celebrate with you and encourage you to celebrate your earthly identity. It often comes last in your spiritual journey, the celebration of your earthly identity, because you are so called to reach up and out of yourselves to the stars, to other realms, to the god and goddess energies, to the angelics, and beyond to grab what you perceive to be as your spiritual pathway or information or connections. So often what comes very last for you all in your journey of your spirituality and your awakening is your earthliness, your earthly identity, your bodies, and the planet itself.
Today we are going to ask you and encourage you to put this front and center on your spiritual path — yourself, your bodies, the planets, and all of consciousness and how it manifests physically in your reality, and begin to truly recognize and understand that as you collaborate with Earth and all of consciousness manifesting in all forms, all life forms on your world, as you consciously collaborate for the highest good of all concerned, this is what you will bring about, the highest good for all concerned, all of humanity, all of animal life, all of plant life, all of your seas, your waterways, all of your forests, all of your deserts, all of your rolling hillsides, all of your beautiful rain forests, all of your mountains, on and on. As you choose a collaboration for the highest good of all, you will bring about and are bringing about a reality that offers the highest experience for all, human, plant, animal, mineral, vegetable, fruit, water, etc.
So today we thought it would be really fun first to offer you all an energetic link up, an attunement with your Mothership Earth. And really start to use the term “mothership” in connection to your homeworld of Earth. Let yourself right now, during this experience and as much as you can moving forward, disconnect from believing there is some mothership connected to other beings that is somehow more favorable, more powerful, more empowering, more loving, or more like home for you than planet Earth is itself. We are going to help you realign today and sync up with Earth as your mothership. Just feel this in your bodies, both the joy and the freedom this activates from within. This gives you more agency on your world as you claim this world truly as your home.
So we are going to offer you this process that facilitates a syncing up with your mothership, Earth, and then also specific attunements that allow you to sync up with each of the four elements, individually - earth, air, fire, and water.
Part Two
So this is very powerful natural magic we are talking about here right now, where you work with the energy of the elements in your body and in your etheric field, your own auric field, in connection to what it is you have going on in your home, whether “your home” be referring to the house or space that you inhabit, that you sleep in, that you live in, or your home in the larger sense of understanding as planet Earth.
As you work with the elements within yourself, in your own body and your etheric field in this way and offer that healing to the energy of home, of Earth, then solutions present, the flow happens. Suddenly you find yourself, just like when you are working with the integration of your fifth dimensional consciousness from within, you find solutions and answers and assistance manifesting more easily and readily for you. The collaborations become simpler and clearer and more thoughtful and more advanced as you begin to live from this space of natural magic which is a very grounded, Earth-centered, Earth-connected way of existing.
Then you can still have your relationships with those of us who exist in other realms and other dimensions. You can still call upon your galactic identities, meaning those lifetimes you have had in other star systems, or the genetic information in your body that connects to those star systems or realms, but they no longer are more important or better or higher. They are just a piece of your experience, a piece of your identity, and yet your home is Earth — Mothership Earth.