Pluto, Eclipses, Your Yin, and The Age of Aquarius — The Pleiadians
Transcribed Excerpt from our October 26, 2023 Eclipse Transmission
We want to talk about the specifics of this eclipse period of time, and we’re going to couple it with some information about Pluto because as Pluto has gone direct in Capricorn, which happened, oh, right around that first solar eclipse, you had big power issues get activated on your world. And you’re seeing the old, the standard patriarchal structures and the abuses of power your patriarchal structures have wrought for eons come sharply into focus right now.
So, of course, we’re not saying that what’s happening on your world, as these abuses of power are being magnified, we’re not saying it’s okay, we’re not saying it’s necessary, but we are saying that there are those on your world who are taking advantage of Pluto’s return to Capricorn in direct station to use that energy to try to support keeping that patriarchal dominance in place. And you’re suffering collectively as a result. And you get this now. You see it clearly, that this way of being is not for the highest good of all consciousness on your world. This way of being only benefits a very small minority, a small group of humans, and the rest of you are left fighting among yourselves for scraps.
That’s the patriarchal energy — compete, fight, dominate, and run an excessive amount of yang energy to try to push through your will. The fantastic news for you all is that on January 20 th, just a few months away, Pluto will return to Aquarius as it did for a short period of time earlier this year, and the power is going to shift. The power dynamic is going to shift and make its way equitably into the hands of the collective, each one of you. Aquarius does not care about gender. Aquarius does not see a projection of the yang/male energy as more powerful than the yin/female. Aquarius does not have that viewpoint and Pluto, as the great transformer, making its way through Aquarius for about 20 years, not quite, but in total it’ll be about 20 years with the period of time you’ve already had, ushers in a new phase of the Age of Aquarius.
On January 20th, not only do you have Pluto landing in Aquarius, but you also have the Sun moving into Aquarius as well. So we’ll give you a heads-up right now. That’s probably going to be a pretty significant period of time on your world, the week leading up to it or the weeks leading up to it and certainly the weeks that follow.
So, how to deal with the now as you’re waiting for that moment because here’s where you’re at? You’re here now with Pluto still in Capricorn, not yet opening you all up to that equitable exchange of energy and resources. So, see the abuses of power right now exactly for what they are, abuses of power. Do not feel the need in any way shape or form to excuse these abuses of power and tell yourself that they are necessary for your evolution, because they are not. You do not need more suffering on your world to grow. That keeps you stuck in that loop of suffering. So you might catch yourself saying, “Ah look at that. You know, it’s okay that this suffering is happening because it’s highlighting this particular abuse of power.”
From our perspective, you don’t need to suffer at all to recognize the abuses of power on your world. You don’t need it, you don’t need it. It’s not helpful for you. So you can watch yourself during this period of time as this is happening and just kind of watch your own perspectives, how you might want to project some outdated beliefs about creation and reality onto the moment at hand. Something like, “Well, those beings incarnated into that situation because they knew that this was going to happen in this lifetime. So on some level that makes it okay that they are experiencing the suffering that they are.”
We would say no, you don’t need to run that story any longer, It is not moving you out of suffering.
And you don’t need to do it to yourself, at all. So when you find yourself confronted by a power abuser in your life, it is important that you first tend to yourself, that you not choose the knee-jerk reaction to somehow find the thing in you that made yourself be attacked or abused or manipulated, that you find that outdated thought-form.
Take a breath.
In fact, let’s run a clearing on some of these outdated thought forms and implants, and when we say implant, that’s what we mean, it’s a thought form, it’s an idea, it’s not a physical structure in your body. So, right now go into your bodies and find the versions of you that still want to blame yourself for all of the shit you’ve experienced or are experiencing in this life, and let’s just stick with this life right now. So don’t go into past life data. That’s going to just complicate and confuse this for you. Just you, right now in this life, the you that you are, find the voice in you, the belief in you, the you in you, sitting in shadow and shame, who wants to victim blame yourself, and let yourself feel any emotions connected to that you that thinks you are in any way deserving of abuse, as you are breathing here. Let the sadness and grief that’s connected to this you come up. This is some work as well for the emotional intensity of the lunar eclipse occurring on Saturday. So just again, let yourself really dig in deep into your own self-negation.
Now, as you inhale, take some golden light into your crown and your heart, and as you exhale, offer it to the you that believes you are deserving in any way, shape, or form of anything other than love. And with every inhalation of breath, you take more golden light into your crown and your heart. And with every exhalation, you continue to direct it to that you. And just observe how this you is receiving the love, the knowledge, the support, the acknowledgment. Is this you picking up your head, opening your heart, and receiving? Or is this you still feeling like you are undeserving? And if you find the second is true, take more golden light into your crown and your heart. Again, exhale and direct it right to that you.
So this may come up for you over the next few days, these outdated thoughts and beliefs again for clearing as the energy of this eclipse is very connected to your yin and the empowerment of your yin energy. Taurus tends to hold a very yin kind of energy in your perspective, as you connect it to Earth itself, and you often project onto Earth a mother or female or yin identity. So that’s a piece that you’re going to find coming up and what you’re finding is this you, that’s feeling in some way undeserving, much of that is going to sit in your yin energy, not your yang. And as you clear in this way, and remind the yin that you are only and always deserving of love, it’s going to make it easier for you to recognize those boundary violations when they begin to occur or even right before they begin to occur. You’ll pick up on them telepathically and this will allow you then to connect with your third chakras, your confidence, and run your yang in truly directed, loving ways that allow you to declare your boundaries, even if you need to run some anger to enable this happening.
So, we want to encourage you all over the next few days, especially, to be very, very sweet to yourselves, first, and then to remember that everyone you are encountering is being equally affected by the energies right now, and they may not have the tools that you have to deal with what is happening. They just may not have the awareness, they may not have the support, whatever. If you are in a position to provide that support and love, fantastic. If you are not and you need to set a boundary, set that boundary. Remember you can always send unconditional love from afar. You can always declare your boundary, excuse yourself from the conversation, the room, the dynamic, whatever is occurring, go return to your own space of safety, tend to yourself, and then send an outward expression of unconditional love to the other, recognizing them as love incarnate. That doesn’t mean their boundary violations are okay. It doesn’t mean their abusive behavior is okay. It means that you are offering them in the moment the opportunity to remember themselves as love incarnate, also deserving of love.
Because if you all truly integrated, this truth, “I am love incarnate, deserving only and always love,” your power imbalances would disappear. The abuses would go. They would end.
Pluto moving through Aquarius, over the next 20 years or so is really going to facilitate a lot of this for you. Yes. There will be a period of time next year, early September through mid-November when Pluto dips back into Capricorn again, and yes, this will be during your election period in the United States. It’s going to absolutely bring things up, potentially cause what looks like some chaotic situations, and again, give you all opportunities to recognize abuses of power as they will be magnified. Now, it may be that they will be magnified in combination with some expressions of justice, due to the eclipses at that time happening now in Libra and Aries and on those nodes, as opposed to happening on Scorpio and Taurus, which they had been happening on for the last couple of years. The Libra energy is really going to want to bring forth justice, and you may really find those justice moments that you are seeking being enhanced next fall. You’re going to see some of this in the springtime as well as during the springtime eclipses when they occur in 2024. So these are some things for you to look to and say, “Okay, the energies, (and that’s the celestial energy and celestial bodies), are supporting our moving forward into an equitable collective distribution of energy and resources and wealth and health and joy along with a real justice, equitable justice.”
Full audio recording of this transmission is available here
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