Pluto, Mercury, The Moon, and More — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
8 min readMay 22, 2021


Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the May 4, 2021 Transmission

We want to talk for a bit here now about some of the events that you have coming up astrologically and celestial events that are occurring that are really going to be impactful for you all over the next couple of months. That transmission of unconditional love, that active healing experience that you just engaged in, this is something you can do yourself at any time, in any moment, for any reason, and it is important for you to remember that as you become both an activator of unconditional love in this way and then a conduit for unconditional love, and as you allow it to come from you and through you, you are also continuously receiving it, recharging, healing, and benefiting yourself because you are a piece of the collective. So constantly reminding yourself of this then makes it easier for you to engage in this way in bigger healing events.

Often it seems like when you are putting your attention outside of you, or elsewhere, on someone else who is in need, then your own needs are more difficult to be met, and that has been a big part of the program on planet earth for eons here. So you are remembering now collectively, “Ah, we are One. Therefore when I work with another I am working with myself, and when that other benefits, I benefit as well,” and this also opens you up then to receiving a tremendous amount of support and love and energy from beings you do not consciously know, and we mean earthlings, because there are earthlings all over your world at all times engaged in meditative and healing practices just like this, where their attention is focused on the health and benefit of the collective. So this allows you to more actively participate as a receiver as well as a healer and really keeps you then more in an energized state, keeps you more in the flow, makes it easier for you to operate more consciously as a creator being, and this all becomes woven into this tapestry of your reality.

Alright, so let’s talk here about the first significant event, and this is that Pluto has gone retrograde. Pluto went retrograde on April 27th and will not move direct until October 6th. So we wanted to talk about the Pluto retrograde right now because, this period of time that you are in, from this moment all the way through the equinox at the end of September, although it is going to feel like, to a lot of you, like you are moving onto the post-pandemic timelines, the truth of it is you are really still very much in a healing dynamic, in a healing based dynamic. The post-pandemic timelines themselves and what your world and your reality are going to look like and feel like and what you’re going to experience on those timelines, are not really going to be fully available to you until after the equinox in September. So Pluto going retrograde at this time really facilitates your ability to go within and tend to that which needs tending to, within yourselves, individually.

We said about a year ago that one of the things that were going to happen for all of you in your world both individually as individual human beings and then collectively, within your systems, one of the things that were really going to happen, were major identity shifts. How big or how small of a crisis you personally experience in these identity shifts is going to be based on your attachments, your attachments to how it is you spend your time and how you think that creates your identity, your attachments to where you live, your attachments to how much money you have, your attachments to how your physical body looks and behaves, and then you can extrapolate that out onto your bigger systems here, your attachments to governmental systems, and your attachments to political parties, and your attachments to your schooling and educational systems, and on and on. So there are major, major identity shifts now underway for each of you individually and then again for the bigger programs at large. What is going to be really important for you right now is that you remain as flexible as you possibly can be during this period of transition.

We know that you want to know, right? You want to know who you are going to be in the post-pandemic timelines, who you are going to be, and what you are going to be doing, and how things are going to go for you, and where you are going to live, and you cannot know really much of that at all right now because you are still a major work in progress.

So when you find yourself trying to answer these questions, “What should I do? Where shall I live? Where am I going to be? What am I? Who am I?” take yourself back to your foundational truths -

“I am source energy.”

“I am love incarnate.”

Let that center and ground within your beingness, the truth of your identity as source energy. I am. It is from the biblical interpretation that, “I am that I am”. This is about you, not any being outside of you. You are the big I AM. We are all the big I AM in this universe. As you integrate this more deeply, “I am source energy, I am because I am, I exist because I am love incarnate, and this is the foundation of my value.” This allows you then the flexibility, the playfulness, the joy to explore what makes you happy right now, to explore that which gets in your way of allowing you to walk a more joyful experience. As you explore and heal and explore and heal and release and let go and release and let go and stop trying to figure it all out in your head, and instead become present and heal, then how you want to spend your time, what activities you want to engage in, where it is you want to reside, who you want to interact with, all of these answers will be so readily available to you once you have landed on the post-pandemic timelines right as Pluto goes direct.

So the second thing we want to talk about is the lunar eclipse. You have a total lunar eclipse occurring on May 26. Lunar eclipses more often than not are very emotional experiences for you all. You lose completely, the illusion at least that you play out in physical reality, is that you lose sight of your emotional anchor, the moon. It is gone. And then suddenly it returns. So it is very visceral in your bodies, typically these emotional experiences, and more often than not you experience the emotions connected to an eclipse in the days leading up to it, during the eclipse, and then in the days following. So this is just something for you to really notice in yourself and also notice in the people around you. Remember that whether they know it or not everyone around you will be triggered and activated by the eclipse as well. This can just kind of help you stay a bit more centered and less reactive perhaps if those in your personal space are more emotional than usual. It will allow you a greater breadth of unconditional love and support, both for yourself and for those around you.

The other thing that is going to come up for you as you’re working through this particular eclipse energy is it is going to invite you, this lunar eclipse is going to invite you to dig a bit deeper within yourself, get in touch with what it is you feel you are running a deficit in, what it is you feel you need, and an activation in your throat chakra that is going to facilitate you being able to come into greater comfort in asking for what it is you need, whether that be asking the people around you for help or whether that be turning and asking your governmental systems to really begin providing for you all what it is you need. It is on you all to ask, as a collective here, and even demand from your governmental systems that which you are in need of. Basic human primary needs and rights, this is what we are talking about here. First, this must be handled. And when we say your governmental systems, we are talking about other humans here, right? That’s all we are talking about, people, just like you. You have got to really work right now on demystifying any of your political figures and begin to really see them simply as other humans in a job. Just as you would perceive someone in a grocery store as another human in a job, and if they are out of what you need in the grocery store, you simply ask the human stocking the shelves for what it is you need.

And even this, we can see in some of you, causes you some distress, yes? You worry that perhaps you are bothering them or you are being a bother. Really observe these trauma responses in yourselves as you negotiate the energies of this eclipse. You really are going to show yourselves during the eclipse how the untransmuted trauma you are still holding causes you to really withhold from asking for what you need. So as you start to resolve this within yourself and within your interpersonal relationships, it is going to be easier and easier for you to then look at these other humans who you have elected to office to operate as your representatives and begin to not just ask for what you need but really just demand it and expect it to be fulfilled, because the earlier trauma responses that you are running that cause you to feel as if you don’t deserve it, you are taking up too much space, you are not worth it, there is a healing that is happening around that, that allows you a greater sense of your voice and your power.

On the heels of your lunar eclipse, Mercury will be going retrograde. It will be retrograde from May 30th through June 23rd. So during the Mercury retrograde, while working on your communication — how fantastic that you will be working on your communication around your needs — what you’re probably going to see and really let yourself play with and notice during that retrograde period is how often you have to backtrack and re-ask, rewrite, resubmit because initially perhaps you were not clear because you were coming from again a trauma response that tells you, you are not deserving, you are not worthy of, you are somehow lesser than, you have forgotten your true value that you are valuable simply because you exist, because you are source energy. As that truth is integrated more deeply into your body you start to play with it in your requests. You won’t get it perfect every time. Mercury retrograde facilitates the need for you to rework your communications. There is going to be a lot of throat chakra work that is going to come up for you all during the June 1st transmission. Just know that you have got that to look forward to during this Mercury retrograde period. So we will work with you on that at that time.

Full audio recording of this transmission available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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