Politics, Spirituality, and Following the Breadcrumbs — My L.A. Bernie Sanders Rally Experience
“Politics and Spirituality do not mix” or “You can’t be political and spiritual”
I have heard some version of both of these statements again and again. In fact, I can recall a time when I held a similar belief. It was after the election in 2000. I jumped into that fight and boy did it feel like a fight to me — Bush — Gore — Florida — hanging chads — ugh! I felt awful by the time I was done there and conflated my anger and powerlessness with politics in general. I drew a hard line between the two, politics and spirituality, convincing myself at the time that the illusion of separation was real, and that I could effectively remove myself from certain aspects of this reality. Truthfully that was much easier to do back then, prior to the Winter Solstice of 2012, when all of our third dimensional filters around time and space were still firmly in place.
However, if we are all love incarnate, all One, all collectively creating this reality, that means that anything and everything is inherently spiritual and nothing or no one is separate from the whole.
As many of you know, in 2015 when Bernie announced his run for the presidency I jumped in full force and ran with his campaign all the way to the end of that cycle. I had followed Bernie for years, sending him telepathic messages about running for president (along with everyone else who was a longtime listener of his). And let’s face it, Bernie has got to have some Pleiadian roots somewhere. He is the epitome of a systems buster — one who incarnates into dysfunctional systems to shine a light on that dysfunction and alter the consciousness at hand (thank you Barbara Marciniak for that term).
I loved every second of my time volunteering with him and the people working with and for him/Us. And while working for him during that first run, all of the Operate From Joy technology came through, including the 8 main vibrations as the foundation for fifth dimensional creation.
Then, in stark contrast, we jumped timelines in the summer/fall of 2016, and that timeline gave us F.O.A.L., the process for the accessing of untransmuted trauma from any timeline anywhere and the way to clear that trauma. Trauma, trauma, trauma. So much untransmuted and buried trauma unearthed itself within each of us individually and within the collective consciousness, and the need for all of us to activate as incarnate guides was born. That timeline gave us so many gifts of healing along with an awakening to the fear masquerading as hatred still at play on our world.
On August 8, 2018 we jumped timelines again. We jumped to that moment we had thought we were going to back in the summer of 2016, with some adjustments after factoring in the actual events that had taken place over the last 2 years.
A few months ago I started hearing this from friends, “Are you going to volunteer for Bernie again?”
Each time I said, “Um, I’m not sure”, completely honestly. I was not sure. The moment to volunteer had not yet presented itself to me. I no longer try to intuit or tell what it is I might do in a hypothetical situation. Well, most of the time I don’t.
I began to hear from my sources (human sources, to be clear here) that Bernie indeed would be running again. I still was not sure what my role would be other than someone who would be voting for him and publicly supporting him.
I awoke on the morning of February 19th to the news that Bernie had officially announced that he was indeed running again. Immediately I felt my excitement activate and within an hour had donated my $27 and was fully embedded with the campaign. I’ve been there every day since doing voter contact, helping other volunteers nationally, coordinating with the digital operations staff, some of whom I worked with last time, and all of whom are near and dear beings to my heart.
Early last week, I saw Bernie was going to be in CA. A day or two later the rally in LA was announced and immediately I felt excited and thought, “I want to go”.
Then my head got involved.
Saturday from Ojai to downtown LA — TRAFFIC — Ugh
LA — thousands and thousands of people — my introverted side shrunk
On and on went the barriers of my resistance.
I FOALed a bit. Clearly there was some unearthed trauma if I was making this big of a deal about something I actually did want to do. When I started working for Bernie, back in late July of 2015, I had a gallbladder attack about a month in that sent me to the ER and out of the campaign for a couple of months while I healed and cleared a whole bunch of other lifetime political traumas. I will say as soon as I knew I was most likely headed to LA for the rally my digestion got a bit ummmm, crappy.
Once sufficiently foaled, I took a breath and started to get clear on the energy of the experience I wanted to have. The day prior to the rally, I asked for help, both from those beings I am in contact with in light body form and from an actual human, the most available one for me to go to. She offered me something that made everything feel much easier and more effortless for me. It was not exactly what I asked for, but very close. I said, “yes” and kept myself open for further developments.
Much later that night, another friend, someone else on the campaign, messaged me and offered me the exact thing I was hoping for, exactly matching the energetics I had set for the experience. She did this without me asking her for it directly and without any communication with the other person who had helped me out.
Jon asked me what I wanted to experience that day.
* See the campaign staffers who would be there. Hug them and help them in any way I could
* Be there as an agent of change, physically active in the actualization of our sovereign identities
* Be able to thank Nina Turner for her amazing presence here at this time
* If possible, meet Bernie (but not at all a priority — just was not feeling it for the day)
* Have fun and connect with other beings there
I left much earlier than I needed to. I just knew traffic was going to be bad, and I knew that I would not be able to change that no matter what frequency or vibration I was holding. All I knew I had power over in that situation was the experience I would choose to create for myself while in traffic. So, I brought along some water and a snack, put on my favorite music and car danced and sang most of my way to the rally.
Two hours and forty-five minutes later (yeah — traffic — it was was what it was — shouldn’t we be able to teleport by now?), I was just a block from the venue. GPS told me to turn right. The street I needed to turn on had been roadblocked (for the rally). I could see the entrance to the parking garage halfway down the block I could not access. I could also see the thousands of people who were beginning to line up. The mood was festive!
I asked a person in uniform for help. He shrugged at me. I saw a small detour sign, I took it. I asked another person in uniform for help…….same response as the first. I saw another detour sign, turned a corner and there was a garage (turns out it’s the back entrance to the garage I was looking for). Sometimes signs are figurative and sometimes they are literally words on a piece of metal, paper, cardboard, what have you, telling you exactly what it is you need to know/do in the moment.
I parked (way too easily it suddenly seemed, so much so I started to question if I was “doing it right”), exited the garage through the wrong door (I say “wrong door” because it had the words “emergency access” on it) and walked out into the air and right into the exact spot I needed to be. The email I had received told me to find table A on street blah, blah, blah. Table A was directly across from where I had exited the garage. I texted my dear friend Hannah — campaign staffer and faerie extraordinaire. I thought, “How am I going to find her here?” I called her, she answered and I heard her both on my phone and in the air around me. She was standing 10 feet in front of me. Hugs and love followed.
Hannah mentioned Kyle Machado’s name. He was on the road with the campaign. Now I had suspected Kyle might be there, even mentioned it to Jon, but was not certain. Kyle was someone I had worked with every day in 2016 and I had yet to meet him physically. I said to Hannah, “Kyle’s here!!!!??!!! Where????”
“Ummm, right there, the guy in the red cap.”
Again, the person I needed just 20 feet from me within a crowd that was swelling by the thousands.
Hugs and love followed.
I helped Hannah out with a little something to make her day easier and then I made my way into the rally. It was truly something to be there earlier on and continue to watch the people stream in. The energy and enthusiasm were high and every single being I interacted with was kind and lovely.
I kept looking at people, certain we had met before. I had others come up to me and ask me the same. Now of course there were a few people there who I actually do know, people I worked with last time and people I am working with now who recognized me from the message board connected to the campaign. But most were people I had actually not yet met. It dawned on me, and I began to share with others, that we all were holding the same consciousness which is why we all felt so familiar to one another. Every single person I shared this with lit up in agreement. The shared experience of this campaign is truly breathtaking at times.
The live music started, and everyone got more excited. One of my favorite moments of the day was Nina Turner jumping on stage to dance it out with Tony Tig as he sang “Our Revolution” (You can find that moment at the 5 minute mark in the second video below). More speakers followed including Congressman Ro Khanna from CA. Each one inviting us to activate as sovereign and operate consciously as creator beings.
And then Nina Turner took the stage.
Here is the entire video of Nina’s speech. She was inspired and inspiring as always, and led the thousands upon thousands of us there in a spectacular manifestation exercise during the last few minutes of her time with us right before she introduced Bernie.
Bernie — How much do I love and respect this being — this being, who has worked tirelessly for decades as an agent of change, systems buster, and incarnate guide. The love I feel is too much to quantify. It is that true energy, that substantive quality that we are comprised of. When Bernie speaks from that space within himself, he activates our ability to access our own light, our own truth as beings of love, and encourages us to physically actualize that energy into our third dimensional density.
I was seated in the third row back from the stage and at some point about halfway through Bernie’s speech, the crush of the energy moving towards him began to have an effect on me. I was sitting with a group of lovely and powerful women, excused myself from my seat, wandered to the edge of my cordoned off area, and continued to watch and listen from there, much more comfortable now in the back and along the side of the massive crowd.
A couple of minutes later Nina Turner exited the gated area behind the stage and stood right next to me. I have loved Nina Turner from the second she caught my attention. Her Light is brilliant and her willingness to speak her truths so boldly and beautifully act as an example for me. I gushed my love and light all over her in my attempt to thank her for her service to humanity. I felt I was nearing fan girl behavior and started to apologize when she said, “No, no. I receive your gratitude and what you are saying to me. Tell me your name again, please.”
And the lovely man near us took this photo.
In the background there is David Sirota, journalist and now working as one of Bernie’s speechwriters. I have followed David’s work for quite some time as he is outside of mainstream media and pushes for the most truthful narrative he can. After my time with Nina, I turned my head to the right and David was standing beside me. I expressed my gratitude and love to him. He hugged me and his friend Zack snapped this shot of us.
I headed back to my seat for a bit and then once again removed myself from the crowd. Bernie was nearing the end of his speech and I knew what was coming next. He’d walk along the fence greeting as many as he could. I watched as the crowds surged and decided not to participate at that time. Kyle had told me that if I got with the volunteers I could meet up with Bernie that way. I saw out of the corner of my eye someone I know wrangling the volunteers at some point and figured that’s what was happening, but I did not feel aligned with joining them. I had not done what they all did that day, showing up in the wee hours of the morning and standing on foot all day in service as they had.
Bernie left the crowd and I left the site. My drive home was effortless, and as long and exhausting as the day was, I was also energized and so excited to be with all of these beautiful beings in human form, all of you beautiful beings in human form.
I work for and with Bernie because at this point, energetically and from a policy position, he is the being I am most in alignment with. That does not mean I agree with every single thing he says. In fact I have yet to meet anyone with whom I am in complete agreement, and that includes Jon, my partner of 20 years. I also work for Bernie because it lights me up to do so. I am absolutely operating from joy within the context of my work with the campaign. And if you’ve been following along with my channeling work you may recall that a month or so before Bernie’s announcement on Feb 19, 2019, The Pleiadians began again to stress the Operate From Joy technology as the collective consciousness of humanity synced up with the elevated timeline we began to access individually on August 8 of 2018.
We are beings of light having a human experience in this moment and time. Each and everything we do is spiritual in its origins. Each and every one of us are spiritual in our origins. Bring your light, your essence as a being of love to that which triggers excitement within your being.
Originally published at www.noraherold.com.