Samhain, the New Moon in Scorpio, and Spell Part Three (or is it four?)

Nora Herold
6 min readOct 31, 2024


The New Moon will be exact in Scorpio tomorrow, November 1st at 7:47am Central Time.

A New Moon in Scorpio on Samhain (Halloween) is so peak pagan high holiday, I expect that all sorts of magic may happen. I also expect the ghouls will come out to play and try with all of their might to scare you into giving them more power than they have, which is none.

Apparitions, entities, and the like have zero power in the third dimension without a third-dimensional vehicle to run through (meaning me, you, or any human, animal, or other sentient being). Fear, the pathway they use, is a delicious meal to those who would wreak havoc upon our world.

I can think of one orange-headed monster who has been making good use of this. He’s an incarnate troll who has learned some brainwashing and mind-control tricks along the way.

I watched him try to work his magic during the only debate between him and Kamala Harris. Typically, he uses a sing-songy cadence while speaking to lull his followers into a trance state and scare those who oppose him. I observed him start to do it and then suddenly just stop and start speaking regularly again. At that moment it was not working. He was not getting enough juice from those tuning in (adoration from his brainwashed followers and fear from the rest of us). Harris and her team in the run-up to the debate, calling him and his like “weird”, had already dispatched him at that point, defenestrating him and leaving him weak.

He lost the debate and more, he lost a hold he’d had over the collective. The bully had been out bullied and sometimes this is the only way to deal with an entrenched energy, banishment.

I do expect a few other attempts at power grabs before election day. The Nazi rally he held at Madison Square Garden on Sunday was one of them. It looks to have failed, but the nazis are certainly outing themselves as they did back in 1939 at the last nazi rally in Madison Square Garden.

Round and round we go. It seems like a circle, but I see it as a spiral, every time we repeat we offer ourselves a higher timeline. I am not saying we have to repeat, this keeps us in a loop of suffering, but when it comes to the disgusting nazi display in that location, well, this was a repeat event and has created some reverberations of fear.

Fear is a powerful feeling. It is one we should never ignore, bypass, or repress, nor should we wallow in it, allowing our unhealed trauma to alchemize it into something greater than it is.

Fear is a warning, a flare, a signal from our nervous system that something is amiss and danger is either here or lies ahead. It’s the “uh-oh” feeling. The new age world is big on dissing fear. Fear is not the problem, fear is instructive.

It’s the manipulation of fear that’s doing a number on humanity and creating the brainwashed followers we see, nodding along as the orange-headed monster scares them into hating humanity or as RFK Jr scares them into forgoing needed medical care.

The New Moon in Scorpio invites us into our shadows and fears and asks us to shine a light on the parts of ourselves that need more love, tending, gentleness, and acceptance.

Creating intentions for what comes next can then follow. It’s an inner space clear, if you will.

The flower essences I ordered for the pack, meaning all five of us, arrived yesterday, and I completed our space- clear spell, I think. I mean, I hope. I mean, whatever lingering caca is around, GTFO!

The other night I observed Sookie, who was on the couch with me, staring intently at the corner of the living room. In between Sookie and that corner lies the bed on which Zoey was resting when Sookie attacked her two weeks ago.

“Do you see something, Sooks?” I asked.

She turned her head, looked at me, and then turned her gaze back to the corner. I’ve since cleared that area multiple times, and peace has prevailed within the pack thus far. There has been no repeat of the events of two weeks ago.

What does remain is my fear that the events will repeat which makes me extra cautious when Sookie and Zoey are in the living room together at night. I am working on calming myself in these moments to reinforce the peace they are demonstrating as Sookie continues to look to both Jon and me for guidance. I don’t want my fear to instruct her that something is off and trigger another incident.

I was grabbed by a different kind of fear the other day. While driving west on Devon Ave after making a stop at Devon Market (a locally owned grocery gem) my eyes landed on this being making its way into my car.

While I’m not arachnophobic, this was a big-ass spider, one I could not identify, and my central nervous system fired its fear message throughout my body. It was trafficky at the time, and I could not easily pull over to handle the being, so I breathed some deep breaths while I continued to pay attention to the road, and asked Miss Spider to remain where she was (she then curled into a ball). I concurrently laughed that just the other day I had mentioned to Jon that one of the things I was not missing from California was the spiders. We lived with them constantly in every home there, just wiping away the webs weekly and letting the spiders be. The only ones we removed were the black widows and the wolfs.

I turned down a side street, parked, grabbed the roll of paper towels on the floor to my right, gently opened the car door, and then stood and admired her there as she wandered around the window frame. Finally, I offered the roll of paper towels to her, and onto it she crawled. I then gently deposited her on the ground.

“Do you think she came with us all the way from California?” Jon asked.

I mean, I think it’s unlikely, and yet, it caused me to recognize that some of what we were clearing in our space was stuff of our own, yet untended to, brought all of the way here.

Happy Samhain and New Moon in Scorpio to you! May you experience much magic in the shadows as the veil thins, the dimensions become more porous, and your connections are more clear.

We’ll be gathering this Monday, Nov 4th, the day before the election for The Change Moment Has Already Happened from 1:00pm — 3:00pm Central on Zoom. Register here

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Originally published at



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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