Showing up Fully in This Now Moment — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the Leaving it All on the Mat Transmission — November 19, 2020
Greetings, this is the Pleiadian Collective.
As always, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to connect with all of you Beautiful Universal Beings of Love.
So just take a breath.
We always start with this, yes? Inhale and exhale, putting your attention on yourselves and your bodies as you’re breathing. And just let yourself really come present, as present as you can right now. Let yourself feel and experience everything that is going on inside of you. So being present doesn’t mean you ignore the circumstances of your life, it doesn’t mean you ignore what has happened or what potentially could happen, right? Being present really is about holding your awareness on how are you are feeling, what is happening within your body physically, what you are experiencing emotionally, what you are experiencing energetically, where your thoughts are going, and all of that is a byproduct of the past, the present, and potential future timelines. All of what you’re experiencing in this moment is a compilation of all of that data.
Just take a breath here.
We see there has been a lot of conversation on your world recently around spiritual techniques and technologies, awarenesses and healing modalities. So we want to address some of those pieces of information that are floating out around there right now from our perspective. And this is one we have seen that has been talked about recently, this idea about being present and how in the moment, the past does not exist and the future does not exist, and on one level in the illusion of the third dimensional experience, sure that is true, but it’s also, from a multidimensional perspective, not true at all. And it is also not true at all from a third dimensional perspective based on your ego personality, the genetic information you have in your body, your physical experience in this body in this lifetime, your ancestral lines, your lines that transcend, your genetic lines that transcend this earthly existence, and you are bringing all of that to every single moment you inhabit.
Just take a breath here
You are really working so beautifully now to show up. You are seeing the importance of this, the need to show up fully physically, and emotionally, mentally, energetically in this now moment and to bring your entire self to this now moment.
So being in the moment, from our perspective, is giving yourself permission to access the totality of your experience and your awareness in this moment. “What am I bringing to this moment? How do I feel?” You can play the game of looking at what has contributed to the feeling state. That doesn’t really matter from a healing perspective or from a perspective as a creator being. It matters though when it comes to understanding and recognizing your story as a person in this life, which you are, along with the multidimensional version of you that has existed for eons and the version of you that knows itself to be integrating your higher self, giving yourself permission to access more of your records. Which means you’re bringing more to this moment. Which means, in each moment, there is an even richer sensation of experience, of knowledge, of awareness.
So the kind of bypassing or older interpretation of “be here now” is - wipe the mind clean, ignore your past, ignore everything that has come before, ignore your hurts, your pains, your traumas, ignore future potentials and just breathe and act as if none of that exists in this moment. And from our perspective, that is a bit of a bypass. That doesn’t really allow you to dive in and do any visceral healing work or integration work because that is all upper chakra work. That is all in the head and in the upper chakras and then out of the body. And that has been and was a lot of the work and the pathways that were available to you all prior to the winter solstice of 2012. That was the easiest and most accessible work for you all to do because it was very, very difficult to bring awareness to the lower chakra system in this way, to bring access to your records. You didn’t feel that you had immediate access to all of this multidimensional information.
So you all have lived the majority of this lifetime, if you followed a spiritual path, or a healing path, or a meditative experience, and you’ve been in this for a more extended period of time, you probably came up with some spiritual bypassing techniques employed as the best you could do in the moment. And that was true in a lot of ways prior to the winter solstice of 2012. And that is when the whole game changed. That is when all of your contracts changed, that’s when your awareness began to shift. So now what we see happening on your world is this reevaluation of healing, spirituality, new age consciousness, right? We’re putting all of these things, Nora is putting them at least in air quotes as they’re coming out of her mouth, so you can receive them in the same way. And you are going through this restructuring where you’re examining, “Okay what takes me up and out of my body? What facilitates a bypass that really doesn’t offer me any real healing in the moment? And then what does? What allows me a more visceral experience of healing in my body? And then what opens the door for me? What spiritual processes or energetic processes open the door for me to access more direct healing in a physical way in my life?”
Because you are embodied. You are running a physical experience. And integration and re-ascension is not about moving to some magical fifth dimensional reality where you are no longer in the physical. That is not what you’re doing right now. What you’re doing is you’re bringing that higher awareness to your physical bodies, grounding it into your physical bodies, which then allow your physical bodies to seek out, on your world, experiences, support, people, supplements, medicine, therapies, etc. that support your healing.
Just take a breath all of you.
It is that blending of the third and the fifth dimensional identities from within reflected now in your outer experience of healing and interactions on this world.
And some of the conversations that are happening right now are button-pushing. And it is going to continue, right, this conversation around what is embodied, what facilitates embodiment as a healing modality or a spiritual modality, and what’s a bypass, what is mental, what takes you up and out, what is like a drug, what gets you high? Right? These conversations are going to be ongoing and they’re going to be button-pushing. And if you find yourself triggered, if you find that your favorite teacher, your favorite healer, your favorite modality is being challenged in the moment, and that is triggering for you, we would ask that you first, go in and do your own inner work, and then also remember the conversation is being had by other beings who are also on this path, in this process themselves. There is not any one human that has the right answer right now. This is a collective shift that is taking shape and hold. Just as there has never been any one human that has the right answer, the right pathway, the right signpost, there is a collective and collaborative experience.
What you can start to pay attention to on your journey here is, who is embracing collaboration, collective cooperation, and who is rejecting that? Who is holding themselves apart and who is encouraging that you hold yourself apart, independent, separate, fostering ideas around separation? That is going to give you a big clue as to who it is that it is still spinning out distortions of fear and techniques that offer magical solutions that don’t really have a physical result, that just take you up and out of the body, and those who are fostering and supporting and encouraging collaboration and embodiment even if they are not always getting everything right, because nobody can. So you have got to remember that. You’ve got to remember that as these conversations are happening right now around healing and your healing and your path as beings who are consciously integrating and re-ascending, there is not any one teacher who is going to get every single piece of this accurate or correct or right. Everyone is doing their best. So for each of you, as always, take what resonates, and discard what does not when it comes to these conversations.
Take a breath here
Alright, so we just wanted to open with this piece, because you’re going to see more and more of this. 2020, as you are rounding the bend now into the end of what has been such a challenging and devastatingly awful year for all of you. We will use that calendar terminology of year because this is your interpretation of it and it is accurate. You all have agreed that this year in large part has been terrible and it has. It has illuminated and highlighted tremendous suffering on your world, suffering that was already happening, and then it has also magnified the suffering, the loss, the chaos, the disconnection, and the distortions of fear that you all came in to heal.
And we’re speaking to you today both as beings who are aware you are in need of healing and also as healers. Every one of you who are drawn to this kind of information, you feel within you a desire to be of service to collective humanity. You feel within you a desire to offer Love, in a healing context to those around you. And what is always going to be so essential for you is that you give yourself permission to focus on your own healing, your own self-care, what it is you need, in direct proportion to that which you are facilitating for those around you.
Just take a breath here…………………