The Element of Surprise — Ursula The Faerie
Transcribed Excerpt from our Winter Solstice 2023 Transmission
We’re doing some magic. Let’s go!
Okay, so discard, right now, any ideas you have about what the word magic means. Just get rid of it all because magic like anything else on your world has tradition and dogma connected to it depending on who you talk to and what methods you use and what book you’re reading, and we don’t want you to play with magic in this way. We want you to be much freer and genuine to yourself and who you are, not just in this moment in time, but every moment in time, which means whatever magic you do, and create and use for yourself today, you may find this changing as the weeks and months and years go by, and that’s as it should be. You’re constantly in a state of change.
You also might find that things you had discarded years and years ago, suddenly you’re feeling excited about again, and that’s fantastic. This is not you moving backward to an older system. This is you taking this evolved version of yourself into that system. How fun! Because you’ll see whole new aspects to whatever that is, whatever that construct is, whatever that pattern is, whatever that system is. This new you will find new gems and jewels, and we’re seeing a lot of you do this right now. We’re seeing a lot of you “returning to” some foundational, things for yourselves in your creative expressions, in your divination, in your healing work, in your relationships. But you’re not really returning, you are evolving.
You’re moving forward, and this you is saying, “Well, how fun would it be now to pick up that tool of mine that I used to love to play with years ago and play with it now as this version of myself,” and this, in and of itself, is magic. This is magic. It is all magic. Everything is a spell. Every thought, every feeling, every action, and every moment directly connect with the next moment that follows. It’s a very simple understanding of magic. The more you appreciate this truth, the more empowered you feel as a magician, and the more powerful your reality becomes.
Now, one of the key aspects of effective magic is the element of surprise. And this is something you’re not good at at all. You want to know what the outcome is going to be. You want to know where it is you’re going to be, when it is you’re going to be there, who it is you’re going to be with, and what it is you’re going to be doing. Very often your magic tries to create these things, and then you feel limited and frustrated and stuck and like you’re not actually in the magic. So, take a breath right now, and give yourself permission to welcome the element of surprise as an important and valuable aspect of your magic.
And although surprise is not typically one of your elements — meaning earth, air, fire, and water, let’s create an element right now called “surprise”. So take a breath, it does not exist physically as earth, air, fire, and water do, surprise is an energetic experience, but bring it into your body right now.
Nora is laughing so much because she had no idea that this was what we would be sharing. So she is experiencing her very own personal element of surprise right now.
So let yourself come into this because this is the magic. This is the importance of the magic we want to share with you right now, the element of surprise, the importance of it, and your willingness to be surprised. You, as children, loved the element of surprise, by and large. There were surprises when you were children, all of you, that were not good. However, when you were very young and still believed in magic, the word “surprise” to you all only meant good, only meant exciting, only meant special, only meant you were going to win something amazing.
Then, as you got older, your surprises, some of them were not so fun. And then, surprise — there’s a new bill, surprise — you had a car accident, surprise — you broke up, surprise — you lost your job……. And then the unexpected became less fun, less magical, and began to feel like trauma. You began to feel traumatized by these surprises.
So, take a breath right now and let yourself return to the element of surprise and the joy and excitement in that element. What a perfect time to be playing with this on the Solstice, we will pair it with Christmas morning, which most of you can relate to, waking up as a child, completely surprised at what would lie ahead of you for the day. Or your birthday, you can use that. There are other things you can tune into as well if that specific example does not work for you, but let yourself really remember what that felt like, waking up full of joy and excitement about the surprises that lay ahead, wanting to know what they were, and yet, understanding part of the fun was in the not knowing. That was the fun. That was the play. That was the magic for you. You saw them there and did not know, and yes, there were hopes and dreams and disappointments, blah blah blah, that’s attachment. You can recognize that that existed as well but go back deeper into that you, that expectant and excited and joyful you welcoming surprise.
With your magic today, take a breath and simply open up to the element of surprise. Where does it sit in your body? Where do you allow it to exist — head, heart, lower, stomach, pelvis, feet, shoulders, neck? Is it in your body? Maybe the element of surprise is something that you are still working with, so you see it as existing outside of you, something you can’t quite access yet. That’s okay. And yet take a breath and connect with your heart, and as you inhale, open your heart a bit more, and as you exhale, welcome the element of surprise.
Let it settle into your heart like a little seed, rooting and flowering, and feel it moving downward as well into your lower chakra system, and make a wish for yourself right now about something non-specific. What do you want more of in your life and take it down to the very foundation feeling/state/vibration — more joy, more safety, more security, more money, prosperity, abundance, more health, more connection, more play, more support? Find it for yourself, and it’s fine if you choose more than one. Give this to yourself. What is your wish? And now, as you inhale and then exhale hand the wish off to your element of surprise sitting within your body.
And then let yourself be surprised.
When the gifts arrive, in whatever package they come, you have to recognize them as gifts. They may look differently from what you think because even if you’re trying not to be attached, of course, you’re going to be. You cannot help yourself but start to paint pictures about what it is you think you want or how it is you think it should go. So you have to, every time you do that, recognize that of course, it is a natural part of the human experience, there is no getting around attachment, and yet, release back into surprise and welcome the surprise.
Now, when we say surprise, we don’t mean the uncomfortable things that disrupt your reality. We’re not talking about those kinds of surprises right now. We’re talking about the good ones, but even those, if you are not expecting them, more often than not, your knee-jerk response is to want to reject them. Because there’s something in you that says, “I didn’t design this, this is not mine.” But you are always designing a piece of all of your experiences. So there is a piece of it that is yours, and if it’s wonderful and exciting and lights you up and thrills you as it comes, allow your own element of surprise from within to welcome it.
Allow yourself then to receive it fully.
Full audio recording of this transmission is available here
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