The Fast Moving Energy and How to Best Play with It — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the February 7, 2023 Transmission
We want to talk a bit about this period of time that you’re in right now. Just a couple of weeks ago you experienced Uranus going direct and that moved you into a phase where all planets are in direct motion. You’re not going to experience a planet going retrograde until well into April, April 20th, or 21st depending on where you are on the planet. So the energy is fast right now. It’s moving very quickly, and it’s likely you’re having a lot of really fun and inspiring and creative ideas pop into your consciousness, probably when you’re in the midst of doing other things because this is kind of what this energy is like when all planets are direct. As soon as you start to do something, everything else starts moving.
You can kind of feel the energy and the excitement and the busyness of it, right? And it can feel busy. It can feel very busy to you when this starts to play out in this way. So our recommendation to you right now is that, so you don’t lose things because it’s very easy to have some fantastic “Ah-ha!” moments during this kind of period of time when you have zero planets in retrograde. It is very easy to have these ah-ha moments and then lose them because the energy is moving so quickly and you are jumping onto other things and you think to yourself, “I’ll just bookmark that and come back to it later”, and then you try to return to it later and you’ve moved so fast and so far ahead energetically that you can’t even quite remember what the thing was, or exactly, perhaps, how it is you were framing it to yourself.
So our recommendation right now, is that you write things down, and we know this sounds kind of whatever, silly, and just kind of very mundane, and yes it is mundane. However, the mundane tasks and mundane experiences of this reality can be extremely effective for you. So if you keep that list for yourself then you can go back and you’ll see it and it’s not just, “Oh I want to teach a class doing XYZ”, because that’s not what the thought is going to be like. The thoughts you’re having right now are very expansive and filled with fast-moving details. Our recommendation is you do a bit more than just a list of ideas, that you even kind of flesh out a bit, some of the things that you’re thinking about structure-wise, or picture-wise, or pathway-wise as you’re having these ideas. So when you do return to it, these gems, because there are some real gems here, they will be obvious to you, and the noise will be obvious to you as well because there’s a lot of noise. It’s very busy right now.
So what might happen is you might go off on some fantastic flights in your consciousness, write some things down about it, and then you come back to it in a couple of weeks and look at it and say, “Yeah. Yeah, I don’t really want to do that,” and this is perfectly fine. So this will also help you discern what is really exciting for you, what is really being fueled by your joy in a more grounded even realistic kind of way, meaning, things that you can actually take action on right now in your life. Then those other things that are outside of that spectrum, that sit a bit more in kind of the magical thinking realm, or even the realm of fantasy, and fantasy can be a very useful tool for you all because it allows you to dream, it allows you to expand, it allows you to open up. Fantasy, however, can also be very detrimental to you all because sometimes in your fantasies you paint the picture of things that feel so far beyond your reach that it sends you into self-negation, shame, disappointment, and belief that you have no value.
Take a breath here.
So watch this in yourself as well. If you catch yourself in too much fantasy right now, pull yourself out. Put yourself back in your body. Do something that’s very grounding for you in the moment, whether that be drinking some water, going outside, or eating something, right? Sometimes you go up and out because you need nutrition in your body and you haven’t been giving it to yourself, so you are trying to feed yourself in these other ways in these kinds of fantastical adventures.
Once you’re grounded then, well, then you can come back to that thing again that you were fantasizing about and say to yourself, “Alright, in the fast-moving energy, in the fast-moving period of time, how can I express my creative energy towards this bigger desired outcome, while releasing my need to experience it in the picture I painted for myself?” You’ll instead then invite in the opportunities that feel for your highest good, most in alignment with who you actually are at this time, and most vibrationally connected to you.