The Pathway Through This Now Moment — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
5 min readOct 12, 2020


Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the October 6, 2020 Transmission

So notice the calm that you’re feeling right now. We will remind you to return to this again and again and again as often as you can right now and through this period of time you have found yourselves in. And that doesn’t mean that you’re going to stay in this space of calm at all times. Right? That’s impossible for you. It is impossible for you all not to have a feeling experience or a feeling-based experience regarding what is happening on planet earth right now because it is so dramatic for you all.

The combination of the pandemic still playing out on your world very magnified in the United States right now and other parts of the planet, very quiet in other parts of the planet, so depending on where you are living you’re having a different experience of it. Some of you are having a less present more detached experience of the pandemic right now, just simply, partly because of your geographic location. However the collective at-large is still having an exaggerated experience of the pandemic. So your collective attention is there because you are all one.

And then, the political drama that is playing out. And the political drama is not in any way separate from your spiritual path. It is not separate from your lives, it is not separate from the way you express yourself creatively. It is not separate from how you live and where you live. When you truly look at politics on planet Earth, it is embedded and woven into every detail of your life. Just take a breath, all of you. Just give yourselves this acceptance of this truth, of the importance of it. Because often we see that you want to push it aside. You want to say, “Yuck, I’m not political, it’s not that important, this happens outside of me”. Every aspect of your reality is in some way political, what you drive, the roads you drive on, where you work, how you use money, how you access money…………….etc

These are all 3-D systems, yes, yet you are still invested in 3-D reality as you are bringing your fifth dimensional consciousness to your third dimensional experience, and this is going to happen within your political construct. It is not a whole, burn it down, start from scratch kind of thing that you’re going through, and frankly you wouldn’t want that, you really don’t. We know that sometimes you like to offhand, just make that remark, right? “let it all burn and start from scratch”. But if you feel into your body, into the truth of the disruption, the pain, the loss, and the terror that burning it all down would create on your world, it’s not really what you want.

What you want is to bring the fifth dimensional perspective to these systems, to your systems of politics, your systems of government, to all of these systems. Because as you’re integrating yourselves, your own bodies, your fifth dimensional identities into your third dimensional structures, you’re doing the same with your bigger structures. You are integrating a fifth dimensional political consciousness, so to speak, we are just going to use that language right now, into the density of your third dimensional political construct right now, which is largely governed by the patriarchy.

So it has got everyone’s attention and everyone is feeling very invested in this. And your path through is to be in it when it grabs you, to run a FOAL when you need to, to find your center, that moment of calm and peace within yourself when you are able to, again, and again, and again.

This is how it’s going to be for you all right now for a while because so much is happening so quickly. And you can’t create the new reality that you’re working on, by completely disconnecting or disassociating from the reality you are in. If you do that, if you try to create from that space, you’re just going to go up and out of your bodies into the ethers, into the clouds, and basically, sit in fantasy. And then when something forces you back into your body, because that always happens inevitably, when you get too far into fantasy, you’ll suddenly find you have a lot to deal with in physical density and in your life because you had checked out.

So you are all remembering how to finesse your way through these very dense moments. You’re remembering how to do this because you have done it before, you have done it in other lifetimes before, right? So you can’t avoid, you can’t ignore, you can’t even not have an opinion about it because you are human, right? It’s impossible for you to not have opinions, to not have desires, it’s impossible for you to not want. That is one of the joys of being on planet earth, that you get to want, right? That you get to intend, you get to make magic in this way for yourselves individually and also collectively.

So the finesse is: Alright, oh, I’m in it, and I am observing myself, while I am in it at all times, meaning, I have an opinion, I have feelings and I observe my opinion, I observe my feelings. I am operating as a being of service. Oh look at that, some old traumas really got me activated, I am going to run a FOAL. I’m going to put my attention on my own healing process right now. I am going to center, I’m going to ground, I am going to get back into my heart, I’m going to intend, I’m going to activate the vibratory rate of joy or something else that I am desiring to project into the collective experience. Repeat. Again and again and again. This is your pathway through right now.

Full audio recording of this transmission available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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