The Prioritization of Healing — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the March 2, 2021 Transmission
You’re going to find moving forward now as you head into the very beginnings of the collective healing phase that you are entering, and that is what is happening for you all now, you are beginning, just beginning, the collective healing experience which is going to be centered around Covid, the pandemic, and all of that, but will really be about so much more. It is about so much more. What you’re going to find are conversations around healing, the word “healing” itself, they’re going to make their way more and more into programs on TV, into news broadcasts, into writings, and an appreciation for healing, true healing, that healing that comes from acceptance and unconditional love, an appreciation for healing is going to begin in a way that you have not yet experienced on your world in this lifetime. Now you may have experienced it individually, certainly, but the collective has not prioritized healing. So this shift is just beginning.
We are saying, “just”. We don’t know how long the healing phase is going to take or be. We do know that it will run concurrently with what we are also referring to as the “post-pandemic timelines”. So once you start to feel, really, that you can move about, and when that time comes we will talk more about your behavior then, once you start to feel that way, it is not like the prioritization of healing is going to end. In fact, you’re going to see it increase.
Take a breath
And let yourselves feel your response to this information, that healing will finally be a priority on your world.
Yes, that will be your experience of it, that will be your thought about it, “Finally!”, because so many of you have felt on an island, cut off. Your healing has been your priority. The healing of the collective has been a priority for you, and yet it has not looked like there are too many near you, or around you, or on the world who share this value and this priority. This is going to change. This is just beginning to change already.
So let yourself really feel and have your response to that right now. Feel whatever comes up in you. This may trigger some grief. This may trigger some joy. Whatever it triggers let yourself have it, and then bring yourself to neutral, using FOAL or whatever works for you. And let yourself intend, right now, to make your healing and the healing of collective humanity a priority. And notice your response to that. Do you feel excited and joyful? Do you feel fearful? How might that change your day to day existence? And get your head out of it because your head is going to want to create a lot of stories right now around shoulds and shouldn’ts. So give your mental body a cookie and ask it to sit in the corner and just observe, and just come back to this intention — of prioritizing your healing, centered in unconditional self-acceptance and love for yourself and then all of humanity.
And that doesn’t mean then that you can’t have boundaries. You can absolutely 100% unconditionally love and accept that being over there while at the same time not agree with their choices and choose to not want to have a physical interaction with them. You can do both at the same time. This, in fact, is the blending of the third and fifth dimensional consciousnesses from within. This is what integration and re-ascension is about.
“Ah, I see you as a being deserving of love because you are love incarnate. I can feel that unconditional love for you and see that you are deserving of it, and yet I don’t want to sit and have a cup of coffee with you because our value systems are different right now, and that would simply just cause me discomfort.”
You can have that awareness, you can run both at the same time. We see there are some questions about this, and this conversation is going to be ongoing with you all. It’s really going to start coming to a head, in fact, as part of the healing process, as you all try to figure out how to heal the divide on planet Earth.
You have this illusion of a divide right now. We don’t really see it as a divide. We see simply that there are those of you who are willing to deal with and heal consciously the distortions of fear manifesting on your world right now in the form of hate and come together as one, and there are those who are still too traumatized and afraid to do that. That’s the way we see it, right now, from our perspective.