The Return of The Faeries
Nora Herold and The Pleiadians, with Ursula, Alderon, and The Faerie Collective — Excerpt from the Winter Solstice Transmission December 19, 2019 Part Two
This is Ursula! So, the return of The Faeries! This is big news on your world! And it is happening in a 2-fold dynamic. It is an event that is happening both within your bodies, your identities, and your energetic structures, and it is an event that is happening outside of you as well, in a reflective nature on your world.
To talk about the return of The Faeries we’ve got to go over, just briefly, that moment on your world when the faerie energy left. And again, when we use the term THE Faeries, it is an umbrella term used to describe those Beings you call faerie and also the elves, the gnomes, the pixies, the brownies, the leprechauns, the dragons, the unicorns, the sylphs, the undines, the mer-beings, on and on and on, the elementals, the devas, even some extraterrestrial beings — beings you identify as extraterrestrial — fall into this umbrella category of The Faeries.
We are a Collective of Beings who walked side by side with the humanoids — with you all — on planet Earth for eons. We coexisted! It’s why we are so embedded in all of your faerie tales, and mythology, and magic. That is NOT imagination! That is NOT some made-up story.
The information about us is rampant on your world because we are real and we were physically real in 3rd dimensional, physical density with you all for a very long time. And then, there came a moment after a series of events on your world after the original enslavement occurred, after other disasters occurred — the fall of Lemuria, the fall of Atlantis — after Christianity and other forms of enslaving ideologies ran rampant on your planet and the more mystical and magical ideologies and Beings were persecuted, we found it was no longer safe for us to remain in 3rd-dimensional form and we raised our vibration and ascended largely into the 4th dimension and created a faerie realm within the 4th dimension of planet Earth. So we — this faerie collective that we are referring to right now — we largely exist as 4th dimension Beings who can access 5th-dimensional technologies as well, just as you are beginning to now, because this is what the 4th dimension allows.
The 4th dimension is this open dimension where you can have both 3rd and 5th-dimensional experiences. You all gave yourselves the 4th dimension as a vehicle for integration and re-ascension because going from a 3rd-dimensional vibration to a 5th-dimensional vibration is such a radical shift, you needed an entire dimension to facilitate this journey.
So we took up residence in the 4th, meaning we left, but we never really left. Now, there are some of us who ascended higher, who moved into dimensions 5 and 6 and beyond. Calliandra, for instance, exists in the 5th dimension. She’s a 5th-dimensional faerie. I, Ursula, tend to exist more in this 4th-dimensional state along with all of the other faeries, and all of the other Beings who are housed in that faerie umbrella, and we stay in the 4th dimension — in the 4th dimension interpretation of Earth — because we love this planet so much. So, as you all are collectively ascending into this higher octave of the 4th dimension you are entering our realm.
The return of The Faeries is not really about us coming back to Earth. The return of The Faeries is truly your ascension into the faerie realm in the 4th dimension, and you all are going to have more and more interactions with The Fae.