The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and More — Nora and The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the Into the Eclipse Corridor We Go Transmission
November 18, 2021
Next on the lineup. So, we covered the lunar eclipse and the Pleiadian alignment. The next thing that’s happening, I am going to talk about this first before the solar eclipse even though its technically not happening until December 19th because we are already in the shadow phase, so we’re going to start to feel the effects of this, which is Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn, starting December 19th and lasts for 40 days, but then it sits in the shadow period on the other side of retrograde for another couple of weeks, just as we are experiencing it here running up to the Venus retrograde.
Venus, when in retrograde, operates very differently from Mercury in retrograde. So again, we’re going to focus on the benefit here of Venus being in retrograde. Venus. What is Venus? Venus is love and money. I don’t know how Venus got saddled with both, but she did. I like to see Venus in retrograde as a very gentle period of time. So where Mercury retrograde is all tangled and confusion and you can’t think clearly, I see Venus, when Venus goes into retrograde, my experience of it, personally usually is, there is just this very sweet, slow, kind of slow-moving loving experience that happens that really helps me identify and understand what and who I love and value and then how to best operate within those relationships in my life, whether they be personal or whether it be a relationship with my work and my work in the world with all of you and everyone else, however that comes through.
So, it’s this wonderful opportunity that we’re moving into, to really fine-tune how we are in relationship to others and our work and our experience of money and also our relationships with ourselves, these fundamental relationships with ourselves.
The other thing about when Venus goes into retrograde is it retrogrades in eight-year cycles. So it happens about once every 18 months, once every year and a half. If you look back on the last Venus retrograde in Capricorn, you will see that it occurred in 2013 and 2014, and then the one prior to that, so this is the specific one we are in right now, occurred back in 2005 and 2006. So you can go back and look back at, “Oh, what was happening for me 8 years ago at this period of time? What was happening 16 years ago at this period of time?” You can go back further, 24 years ago and on and on. This will give you some indicators of potentially where your focus is going to land as we enter the shadow period here and then move into the real intensity of the Venus retrograde, which again, is not really so intense. It’s more just very soft and gentle and revealing as we move into that period of time and then as we exit the shadow period of time which will occur in early February.
The next biggie is the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius which happens on December 3rd and 4th. It will be exact at 11:43pm pacific time on December 3rd, so practically on December 4th for those of us in pacific time. For most of you, it will already be December 4th that it is exact, and this is happening on the Sagittarius and Gemini axis.
So, whereas our lunar eclipse, tomorrow (November 19th) is the first in a series of seven that will play out through October 2023 on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, this solar eclipse is the last of six. The first one of them began on June 5th, 2020. So I had a look earlier today at what was happening on June 5th in 2020. It was shortly after George Floyd was murdered, and the need to focus on the healing of our distortions here that manifest as programs of hate like white supremacy and racism and antisemitism and misogyny and Islamophobia and homophobia and transphobia and on and on. That was all very much being highlighted. So we’re going to see now, I believe, as we come into this solar eclipse on December 4th, this last of 6 eclipses that were on the Sagittarius and Gemini axis, we’re going to see these issues highlighted once more. And we’re already feeling it. There are events playing out right now that are showing us this.
Our solar eclipses are very much about the illusion of an interruption in our power centers, both individually, personally, and then also collectively in the power dynamics and the reverberations then as we realign with our sun. So the illusion is we lose connection with our sun, and then we feel that disruption in our third chakras individually, and then the collective third chakra, the collective will, and then we realign with our power centers in an upgraded fashion.
The Pleiadians:
Yes. Greetings. This is the Pleiadians here. So it’s important for you to understand that upgrades will be a big part of this total solar eclipse that you’re going to be experiencing in just a couple of weeks (tonight, as of this writing). As these upgrades take hold they are going to be in tandem then and support what you’ll feel as you move through the Venus retrograde experience (which begins on December 19th). Who and what do you love and value. Truly. Not what are you programmed to love and value, not who are you programmed to love and value, but truly who and what do you love and value. This is going to come up personally and in the collective, and you’re going to see and hear a lot of conversations around this, and there will be actions taken around all of this. So, December 19th is technically when Venus goes retrograde, although you are already feeling it.
Then you have the Solstice on December 21st, which will be exact at 7:59am pacific time.
Then you will have the third of three Saturn/Uranus squares occurring on December 24th. So these three squares, this push and pull of the Saturn and Uranus energies, both connected to Aquarius, both are about rules and traditions, and then a complete and total desire to blow up the rules and traditions. There’s Saturn who wants it all organized and in place and very much supports the current structures in place, and then Uranus comes in and says, “Let’s tear it all down and do it all differently.” These two beings have been pushing and pulling against each other all year, all of 2021. So you had the first square in February, the second square right around the Solstice in June, and your third square, your third and final will happen on the 24th of December.
And then, in February of 2022, this is just looking a bit ahead, but you’re already feeling the effects of this, and it’s already very obvious as you look at world events, as you look at what’s happening on your world, the United States itself, as a country, based on its date of birth, is having its Pluto return. Now, Pluto returns every 200 plus years, so a human will never experience a Pluto return, at least not in the format that you all currently are holding because you don’t live long enough to experience a Pluto return. Pluto is death and rebirth. The US is headed into a Pluto return, it’s first. So, the rumblings have been going on for a couple of years. The rumblings will probably intensify now over the next couple of years, and then they will diminish as the United States is reborn into a new package, a new understanding of itself as will all of the citizens connected and, frankly, all of you on planet Earth because the U.S. for the longest time has been an epicenter on planet Earth. Now, this may be one of the things that changes as a result of this Pluto return.
For those of you who live in the U.S. or identify the U.S. as needing to be a certain way for yourselves, needing to be the epicenter, needing to be number one, needing to be the superpower, or identifying as you are more special because you are American, which you’re programmed to believe. That’s what you’re programmed to believe there in the United States. It’s really important that you take a look at that, and that you clear any and all underlying programs that tell you that you are more special because you live in the United States, and understand and recognize that all of humanity is equally special. Nobody need be and no country need be any more special than any other.
Take a breath here. Shake your hands out.
This will help your personal shift through this be a lot smoother. You’re not going to get as hooked then as events play out.