Timeline Jumps, Bleedthroughs, Conspiracy Theories, and the Post-Pandemic Timelines — The Pleiadians

Nora Herold
7 min readOct 2, 2021


Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the Autumnal Equinox Magic Workshop & Transmission
September 21, 2021

You are at a pretty vital gateway right now on your world, as you close out the timeline you have been riding for the last couple of years, collectively, and as you begin to step onto a new timeline. Of course, it is not really leaving one and going to another. It is a much more fluid and interwoven experience. So as you move into and onto the new timeline you will begin collectively creating, you will still, of course, see echoes and pieces and evidence of the previous timeline. So it is a smoother transition. You can’t just go from timeline to timeline in a very stark radical way. You wouldn’t recognize yourselves or your realities. So it happens in this very kind of slow moving, organic kind of fashion for you all, where a few months go by and suddenly, you say, “Oh look at that! Things are looking now really different.”

So let’s talk about timeline jumps. So there are, first, your individual experiences of timeline jumps. What is a timeline jump? This is when, you either, and there are a number of things that can facilitate timeline jumps, so we will just talk about, first your personal ones, you either take in a new piece of information that radically shifts your consciousness and your perspective on reality which then takes you to just a slightly different version of this reality. This is you jumping a timeline there. Or, there is that moment when you achieve a deeper healing around an issue, facilitating a deepening of the integration of your fifth dimensional consciousness into your third dimensional chakra system, that again shifts your perspective, and that radically alters your experience in one way or another allowing for a timeline jump. Then there is, so once there is that integration of the new information, the taking in, then sometimes there is what it feels like a completion to new pieces of information. You spent a lot of time with the information, suddenly you have an AHA moment about something that perhaps you first heard or read about or thought about a decade ago or 20 years ago, and suddenly you say, “Aha! Ah, practical physical application”, or “Ah, new nuanced understanding of this idea or technology”, and that facilitates a timeline jump, meaning that your entire perspective on reality shifts and you begin to experience a bit of a different version of the totality of your reality.

So what does that mean, a different version of your reality? It means that your engagements change, your relationships change, your communication style changes a bit. Perhaps there are physical changes for you in jobs, in homes, perhaps there are very minor changes for you within the physical scope of your reality. So it is not a radical change it is a minor change. So one of the ways you can begin to understand that you yourself have had an individuated timeline shift or timeline jump is to look at these kinds of sudden impulses that you start to have in your reality, where suddenly you start a creative project that you had always been thinking about or something you put down earlier and then pick up again or suddenly you reorganize your office, and it is completely refreshed energy.

So you can extrapolate out on and on, use many different kinds of examples for yourself to help you better understand, “Ah”, and recognize, “I have had a personal timeline jump here. I personally am experiencing reality just a bit differently from the way I experienced it on the timeline I was just on.”

And again these timeline jumps are not finite, meaning they don’t really don’t have a beginning, middle, and end. They are fluid. So on this new timeline you still experience aspects of the old timeline and the timeline before that, and the timeline before that, and you also start to preview what you would perceive to be timelines ahead. This is often how psychics will work. They take a look at upcoming timelines and potentialities very rapidly and identify energetically based on where the human is at this moment where it is they most probably are going to land. Now, because you’re operating so much more in the moment these days, and accessing more agency in your personal creationary experiences we have said and will continue to say, trying to predict outcomes, trying to predict what is going to happen, is kind of a waste of time and really not the best use of your energy because the best use of your energy always is to put it back to yourself on this moment, take a look at what it is you are working on within your own healing path, within your own creationary journey in this moment and how you can best be of service to the collective.

Alright, so then collective timeline jumps — because you’re moving through one right now. So we will talk about this one that “began”, this timeline, back right around the September equinox of 2019 that put you on the timeline that you are currently on. Now some of you began experiencing this particular timeline prior to the equinox, maybe a month or two or three before, because again they aren’t really these static moments, they are fluid. So you can take a breath here and let go of exact dates and times and moments and just let your consciousness breathe into and accept a bigger and more relaxed understanding of these kinds of ideas.

So that timeline began and you have been traversing it now for a couple of years and you’re moving into this “new” timeline or next timeline. We have been referring to it as the post-pandemic timeline or timelines, and giving it a plurality is really the best way to look at it because each of you has your own very specific version of a timeline and then there is the collective timeline and then there is the multidimensional perspective, meaning there are many, many versions for each of you and the collective in each and every moment. So you are actually accessing all of the data from all of those timelines as well.

Just drop into your hearts right now. Don’t ask your brains, your mental bodies to try to really organize all of that data, because you cannot organize multidimensional information and timelines via your third dimensional mental bodies, and you are not supposed to. However, it is okay to understand that this is happening and that at times you start to experience bleedthroughs from other timelines, and as you experience those bleedthroughs from other timelines this can either create clarity for you on this timeline or it can create confusion. This is partly what has really been adding to a lot of the chaos right now on your world and why at times it looks like there are so many, or at least two main, perhaps, divergent beliefs around things like the pandemic or vaccinations or mask wearing, etc. There is a lot of bleedthrough information coming through and for those who haven’t really adjusted to, and dealt with their own personal healing process, these bleedthroughs start to trigger big fears and anxieties that cause projections onto these timelines of events and things that actually are not really happening right now. So this is where a lot of the conspiracy theories are being derived from. They are alternate versions of realities and timelines that you are not actually physically aligned with in this moment.

Just take a breath here all of you, and let that piece of information help you right now deal with what looks like such a fragmented consciousness on your world. The fragmentation is much more complicated than just disagreements in this moment. It’s really so much of what you are working on healing, and you can clearly see as you are looking at your reality those humans who are consciously addressing an embodied experience of healing and those who are not, those who are running bleedthroughs and are up and out of their bodies and desiring to exist on other timelines or in other realities. So you can have this level of clarity and recognize that the projections and the up and out and the delusions, this is all being sourced from pain and unhealed trauma, and then there can be this massive confusion that sometimes operates like a contagion where consciousness is shared via telepathic means. It creates this kind of osmosis from one to another and suddenly you find yourself nodding along with something and beginning to really take it on as a belief. If you were to stop and really check in with your embodied self, your higher-self integrated into your lower chakra systems, specifically, you would recognize, “Ah, I don’t really agree with that. So I will get back in my body, experience my own energy and my own compass, my own grounded sense of healing and see where that divergent belief is happening and why it is happening.”

Just take a breath here.

We know that this piece has been excruciatingly difficult for some of you to manage, the divergent opinions and beliefs and how that has really affected and impacted the collective in very physical and real ways, via the illness and death and loss, and this is something that you are all still really processing. We have talked before about the fact that you can’t really fully process the totality of this timeline and heal from it because you are also still moving along it.

Full audio recording of this transmission available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can. noraherold.com

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