Will the Earth Split? — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective — Transcribed Excerpt from the December 14, 2017 Transmission
Apparently there is another prediction going 'round that the Earth is going to split in 2 on January 31st with all of the "good and enlightened" people going to the "good place" and all of the others staying here on the "bad place" (as an aside, if you've not yet seen "The Good Place", Jon and I are really enjoying it).
The Pleiadians have tackled this question, about multiple versions of Earth manifesting, a number of times. Here is one of their responses.
“This is the Pleiadians. We have a different take on this and we always have. We don’t see a physical split, an energetic split, occurring. We don’t see a more dramatized version of the polarity and duality taking place within both collective consciousness and/or collective humanity on your world. We don’t see it happening that way, in the way that there would literally be two or then three versions of earth pulling apart. In fact, the truth is that’s already happening, you’ve already got that going on right now. You’ve got a higher version of reality that you’re all able to plug into, you’ve got a lower vibrational version of reality that you can plug into at any time, and you’ve got the blended version of reality.
So we’ll use those three to kind of illuminate or demonstrate what you’re asking about here in the 3-earths kind of construct.
So, we would say the first earth would be ego based. Ego based — no understanding of higher-self connection, no understanding that you are Source Energy — running purely off of ego based programs.
Then there’s fifth dimensional earth, or higher self orchestrated and run earth, where you’re all in the energy of your higher self, which is just in your light body state, there’s no physical expression or manifestation.
And then the third version is that blended version of your third and fifth dimensional identities, which you are all consciously working on. And that’s the new thing that’s really occurring right now. We’ve talked about this. There have been plenty of cultures in the past that have ascended, they’ve gone from a third dimensional to a fifth dimensional experience. You’re not ascending in that way.
You are integrating the energies of your higher self via your third dimensional filters and bodies. You are integrating your higher self via, into, downloading that higher self into your third dimensional containers — changing your third dimensional containers from the inside out — and you’re all doing that whether you’re running ego based programs or not. You’re all in this together. We are all in this together.
So yes, it may look for a time still, and it WILL look for a time still that there are different versions of earth you can play out, different versions of earth you can play in during the integration and re-ascension process. There will be different realities and different timelines to jump on and play on, but we don’t see a dramatic physical ripping apart and creation of two or three separate planets where you’re suddenly no longer able to interact at all with the other — certainly not in your short term, not at all — and not even really as we’re looking at the long term plan. That is not the long term plan. The long term plan is not to create a heavenly earth and a hellish earth and then a neutral earth. That is not the long term plan.
The long term plan is integration, re-ascension, state of oneness — shifting completely of the polarity and duality in this universe — shifting the energetic matrix of the universe, with earth as the epicenter of that shift.”
Originally published at www.noraherold.com.