You Are Magic

Nora Herold
11 min readOct 5, 2019


Nora Herold, The Pleiadian Collective, and Ursula — Excerpts from the Autumnal Equinox Transmission “You Are Magic” — September 19, 2019

Part 1 The Pleiadians:
We’ll talk to you a bit right now about this period of time you’ve been in since the summer solstice. Moving into the equinox, we’re going to work with you on helping you to clear whatever it is you need to clear right now so you can be as open and available as you possibly can be when the equinox itself occurs on the 23rd.

So, let’s talk about what you’ve been experiencing. Back on the solstice, you received many major upgrades to your system. That happened within the context of a lot of celestial and planetary interactions and information as well. And while that all was ongoing, a lot of what you took in on the summer solstice has been working kind of underground, so to speak, within your operating systems — meaning you accessed and activated, via those downloads, a lot of really powerful information specific to manifestation and operating as conscious creator beings — becoming more telepathic, transcending linear time, moving along in an accelerated fashion on your integration and re-ascension process. But because you had that coupled with all of these celestial events, including Saturn being in retrograde, this all came into your bodies and a lot of you felt as if you couldn’t really directly access and activate much of those technologies and a lot of that information because you were in the process of dealing with your inner shadow — those pieces of you that are sitting in darkness and fear and shame.

And shame is something we really want to talk about today because it is your shame that both disables you from being able to operate as effective conscious creators and it is also your shame that allows others to hook into you and ‘appear’ to manipulate you. We say ‘appear’ to manipulate you because nobody outside of you can truly manipulate you. You are always creator beings — always, on some level, totally in a place of power, making the choice, agreeing to the situation at hand. But if your shame tells you that you’re bad, that you’re weak, that you’re wrong, that you’re ‘off,’ that you’re dumb, that you’re stupid, that you’re a sinner, that you’re a deviant, on and on. The shame tells you those things (and) that throws you into a really disempowered space within yourself and your operating system, and then you start to seek beings outside of you who seem to have the appearance of more power than you.

Now, we’re talking about the foundation here of so much of the enslavement structures on your reality — your religious institutions, your governmental systems, a lot of your education systems — all of them on some level are still running off of fear and shame and using that shame, and even at times using shaming techniques to get you to agree to being enslaved, to get you to say yes to handing off your identity as sovereign to that other being, entity, organization. And suddenly, then you’re nodding your head, following along with a set of circumstances you don’t really align with, you don’t really believe in, because the shame in you causes you to believe that if you nod your head and go along, that will lead you to more power. Because the ‘shamed you,’ the you that sits in darkness, in shame, in fear, in distrust, in blame, on and on, feels on some level completely broken beyond repair, unable to operate as empowered, as consciously powerful.

When Saturn went retrograde a few months ago, that really triggered this issue inside every single one of you. And you all, on one level or another, have been dealing with your shame over the last few months, whether you’ve been consciously aware of it or not.

So let’s remind you that un-transmuted trauma creates either a victim or a perpetrator ‘moment’ for you at some point on your timelines. So, there’s the trauma, there’s the ‘freezing moment’ that occurs when that trauma happens, then there’s either the opportunity to transmute it or not — or there’s no opportunity to transmute it, so, once it’s gone un-transmuted it stays frozen creating that fear and that shame, which then sets up a future moment, from a linear perspective — a future moment of you operating as either a victim or a perpetrator. Victims/Perpetrators — two sides of the same un-transmuted-trauma-coin. That’s all that is.

There really is no difference, vibrationally, between a victim and a perpetrator. Both are holding the same level of shame. Both are seeking power outside of themselves because they believe, on some level, they are powerless, due to that un-transmuted trauma.

[*A process to help with transmuting the underlying traumas within ourselves followed.]

Part 2 Ursula: [*Following the clearing and transmutation process.]

This is Ursula. Just continue to enjoy the sensation as you are clearing and transmuting underlying traumas you have yet to be able to get to, which is the advantage of the last few months. You let yourselves get at hurts and wounds and pain, grief and loss and suffering you had yet to confront. You have confronted it. You are clearing those energetic distortions that are connected to the feelings of shame, guilt, grief, loss, rage — just continue to breathe and feel yourself vibrating as Love.

So, when you receive the downloads of energy and information that are coming in alignment with the equinox (and it does not only come in at a certain time on a certain day), these transmissions of energy are massive that are coming to you from all of us — your helpers, your guides, the collectives that you work with, the celestial bodies that are engaging with all of you — and you can plug into it at any time you like.

This transmission is going to activate within your operating systems, that acceleration of your abilities as conscious creators and manifestors, meaning you are going to remember consciously at all times that you are magic.

Magic is not a thing outside of you. It’s not some special power that you have to access, and it’s not some special power that only certain people are capable of, or only certain people are given or granted. The entirety of this universe is magic.

It is just the filters in your 3-D minds that prevent you from accessing the knowledge that you are magic, that everything you do is magic. Every aspect of your reality is magic.

So as you receive the energy coming in now aligned with this equinox, and this energy lights you up from within, as you have cleared your underlying traumas and the shame associated with those traumas, this frees you up to begin identifying as magical in a very real, and visceral, and grounded way.

We are going to talk to you today about a different kind of magic.
[*Other than the victim-perpetrator kind of magic, meaning the energy-stealing, energy-feeding, disempowering kind of magic which is just smoke and mirrors, an illusionary kind of magic which we are seeing on our world.]

Part 3 The Pleiadians:

We want you to start noticing the illusion of smoke and mirrors on your world.

Some of the things that are happening right now are starting to look pretty ridiculous to a lot of you, and that’s a big clue when you’re dealing with a smoke and mirrors version of magic, a distraction kind of magic.

So start noticing the ridiculous nature that is starting to break through. You’ll notice it in some of the events that are happening, perhaps sometimes the names of the people involved in the events that are happening. Look at who’s grabbing the microphone or the megaphone and disempowering via their speech. And this is how they’ll do it — they’ll point out to you how wrong, or how bad, or how off you or this reality is, and then they will say, “But I’m gonna fix it for you. I’ve got the solution for you.” They won’t say, “And you’re Sovereign and you are capable of shifting this from within.”

And that IS WHERE the magic happens!

So that’s where the true magic happens — within your bodies — within your emotions, within your energetic structures; your own personally, within your mental bodies. Magic is not about casting a spell, creating an intention, sending energy and making something change outside of you. If you are trying to run that kind of magic you are still plugging-in to victim/perpetrator programs.

Part 4 Ursula:
This is Ursula. You are magic. Which means notice, begin to notice, notice more and more, first the magic that is already existing within your form and then the magic that exists in the world around you as a reflection of your inner space. The other thing you can do is to choose, then, to intend to imbue your personal magic with more energy, more light.

Now, this is really all just another way of perceiving integration and re-ascension, right? Because, as you integrate your 5th-dimensional identity, your higher self, into your 3rd-dimensional chakra system all the way down into the soles of your feet, you begin to just automatically operate in physical reality as a more conscious creator and a more magical being. So this is just kind of another way to look at it that we’re offering you today, and you’re gonna see a big advancement and an acceleration in all of this come through with this equinox gateway. It’s really just a balancing out in your bodies that’s happening right now which allows you to bring to the fore that which came in on the solstice in June.

[After the break]

Ursula here! I just want to share a bit more about operating as magical beings from a conscious place, and some physical steps you can do and physical actions you can take to reinforce your identity as Love Incarnate, as Magical, as having full access to your 5th Dimensional Identity, your Oversoul and beyond, here, while on Earth as a 3rd dimensional being! How cool is that? Remember this is what you came here for!

THIS IS what you came here for — to get to take on the illusion of 3rd dimensional density so fully (that) you would completely forget who you were, and then wake up within the middle of, or at some point in this particular incarnation, re-member yourself as Love Incarnate, re-member yourself as a Magical Being, consciously transmute un-transmuted traumas facilitating the integration of your 5th dimensional consciousness, allowing you to consciously operate as magical. Sounds pretty profound, and exciting, and, like just what you had signed up for — and yet so easy for you all to forget when life seems to happen — when things don’t align, when events take place, when losses happen. So, how to consciously be more magical?

First, get out in Nature as much as you possibly can. There is abundant magic to be seen while in Nature at all times. No matter what is happening, it is a very real and physical manifestation of magic, happening in real-time, right before your very eyes and all the rest of your senses! Immerse yourself in the magic of Nature, and watch how those beings do not fear, do not worry, do not stress, do not plot, do not plan. THAT CONSCIOUSNESS, those beings aligned with the natural environment, are masters at surrender, masters at opening to their greater identity as Love Incarnate, and are completely unattached to outcomes. Get in Nature. Feel it. Witness it. Observe it. Feel that magic in your own bodies because you are Nature as well. You are part of that ecosystem, part of that structure as 3rd-dimensional humanoids on Earth. You ARE Nature. You ARE Natural Magic, and remember that as you immerse yourself in the reflections of that natural magic all around you.

When it comes to physically expressing yourself as a Magical Being, have at it! Dress the way you like. Do the things that light you up. Be silly, be playful, express your creative energy, express your artistic energy, light your fires, hold you crystals, light your candles, play with your tools. Let EVERY THING be magical, and then make it MORE MAGICAL. Acknowledge the magic in doing the dishes, and then, imbue MORE magic in the activity of doing the dishes, in whatever way works for you! How can that suddenly become magical to wash your dishes which is already a magical activity? We can’t wash the dishes in the 5th dimension. From my perspective here, it is amazing all of the things you get to do on planet Earth — much of which you experience as drudgery, as mundane, as every day — so do anything and everything you possibly can to first acknowledge the magic that is present simply because you ARE magic, because ALL IS magic, and then as you notice that magic you’ll begin to notice other magic — synchronicities, alignments — look how cool that thing is! And you’ll embrace and accept even more and then take steps consciously to INCREASE the magic, make it MORE magical.

And that doesn’t mean you have to follow a rule book, or get a book on magic, or you have to follow someone’s process on magic — you can if that feels FUN to you, as long as you’re not telling yourself the story that that being knows more than you. You have to tell yourself the story you’re collaborating with that being and their body of information to trigger within yourself your own awareness and your own body of information that you’re already connecting with, that you already have within your own records.

Another thing you can do to increase the magic in your life is sing! Using your voice in alignment with song is one of the most magical-inducing properties on your world.

If you look at music in general — and we’ll say music, in general, does the same — look at how important music is on your world. It is magic captured in notes and melodies and harmonies, and song, and strings, and winds, and brass, and percussion. It is the elements, the four elements! Earth, Air, Fire, Water — captured in a format you call Music! The water element is the singing, the lyrical piece, the singer, the voice. The water piece as well in the music is the movement of the feeling that happens in your bodies. So you can start to play with this.

Play with the elements — Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Where do you feel them in your body? You are Nature! So these elements don’t just exist outside of you. They are within your 3rd-dimensional physical structure as well — and then give the physical elements found in Nature and your body, give them access to your 5th-dimensional consciousness from within. Give the air in your body, your breath, access to your 5th-dimensional consciousness. Give the water in your body access to 5th-dimensional consciousness from within your own higher self, and on and on. Let the two of you collaborate — your 3rd-dimensional identity and your 5th-dimensional identity — let them collaborate more consciously in this way in your bodies, and then, surrender.

To play with magic in this way, to be magical, there is no outcome, there is no intended desire. There is just: I am Magic. All is Magic. I/We are collectively creating every moment we experience. And I will amp my magical vibration to bring about more light, more joy, more love, and let that take form in whatever shape it wants.

Full audio recording available here



Nora Herold
Nora Herold

Written by Nora Herold

Pleiadian channel, reiki master, incarnate guide, faerie, feminist, progressive, dog and cat mom, finding the funny in as much as I can.

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